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Adjuvants and regulators, plant hormones, develop plants tissues

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About Regulators & Adjuvants

Also known as plant hormones, growth regulators are chemicals that in small amounts promote and influence the growth and development of the tissues in plants. Naturally, they are produced within the plant and determine the formation of flowers, stems, leaves, the shedding of leaves and the ripening of fruit. They have been largely synthesized by humans and are used either to regulate the growth of cultivated plants, or inhibit that of unwanted weeds. They are used as important measures to ensure agricultural production, but they need to be used accordingly, as if growth regulators are misused, the crops can grow excessively fast, and the fruits can appear ripened on the surface, but the core will remain raw, rendering them of low quality.

List of Discounts

  • 2%
    For orders between £350 and £500

    Discount code: NXLUK-2%

  • 4%
    For orders between £500 and £1000

    Discount code: NXLUK-4%

  • 5%
    For orders above £1000

    Discount code: NXLUK-5%

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