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Victor Fly Magnet M383

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victor fly magnet m383 - 1 victor fly magnet m383 - 1

Victor Fly Magnet M383

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Product information

Victor Fly Magnet M383 is a professional bait made to be used together with the M382 trap. Together they work as an attract and trap for flies. The attractant lures them in, and it keeps them there! As one of the most effective bait on the market, this patented non-poisonous bait out-performs competitive products 20 to 1!

Properties & Benefits:
- very economical and easy to use
- this patented replacement bait is the most effective bait on the market
- non-poisonous, safe around children, pets and the environment
- safe around family, including pets
- compatible with M382 Victor Fly magnet trap

Way of usage & Placement:
- Simply empty the bait into the Victor Fly Magnet trap and add water.
- Empty contents into a M382 Victor Fly Magnet trap.
- Add warm water until 1/4 full.
- Swirl to mix.
- Place a fly trap 46 cm or less from the ground. (Flies search low.)
- Make sure the fly trap is placed in a sunny area. (Flies like heat, light, low wind.)
- As the trap fills, add water to keep flies submerged.

Other tips & recommendations:
Replacement bait is safe around children and pets when used as directed

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Woodstream
Packaging 3 sachets
Trap type Attractant
Color Transparent, Yellow
Get rid of Flies
Reusable Can be
Usage Area Outdoor

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