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eu syngenta insecticid agro actara 25 wg 4 g - 1, thumbnail

Actara 25 WG, 4 g

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eu syngenta insecticid agro actara 25 wg 4 g - 1

Actara 25 WG, 4 g

Out of stock

Product information

Actara 25 WG, 4 g is a powerful systemic insecticide with excellent, quick, and long-lasting results against a broad range of foliar and soil insect pests.

- Unique chemical properties for maximized crop potential;
- Flexible crop protection;
- Efficient in both humid and temperate climates;
- Quick penetration and redistribution through the plant;
- Effective in low doses.

Action mode of Actara 25 WG:
- It provides highly systematic plant protection;
- After spraying, the product penetrates the plant tissue and redistributes itself through systemic and translaminar movement, protecting every part of the plant;
- The active substance acts on specific proteins in the brain of the insect, inhibiting their feeding reflexes;
- After ingestion or contact, the insect stops feeding and dies within 24 hours. The process is irreversible;
- Insects that have been affected by the product are not able to penetrate the plant tissue again.

Methods of application:
Actara can be applied as foliar and soil treatments, as well as drench and drip irrigation.
Foliar applications allow the active substance to deposit within the plant, granting extended residual control.
Soil applications are taken up by the roots and are translocated through the plant, granting extended residual control.
Consult the label for dosage and application recommendations, depending on the crop that is being treated and the method used.

Can be combined with fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, liquid fertilizers, and growth regulators, following the recommendations on the product label.
Consult the compatibility labels and perform a small-scale test when combining crop products.

The rate for foliar application in vegetables and field crops should not be less than 80 gm of product per acre.
For increased pest control effects, employ Actara as an integrated treatment in a pest management program.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Syngenta
Packaging 4 g
Formulations WG-water dispersible granules
Active Substances Thiamethoxam
Active Substance Concentration 250 g/kg
Crops Apple tree, Cucumber, Eggplant, Peach tree, Pear tree, Potato, Tomatoes
Bio Crops Not suitable
Mode of action contact, ingestion
Crop pests aphids, cabbage aphid, cabbage moth, caterpillars, Colorado potato beetle, greenbug, greenhouse whitefly, thrips, western flower thrips
Application Type Low pressure spray, ULV-Cold Fog
Odor slight

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