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Spyrit Pro, 250 ml

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eu sumitomo chemical agro fungicide spyrit pro 250 ml - 0 eu sumitomo chemical agro fungicide spyrit pro 250 ml - 0

Spyrit Pro, 250 ml

Out of stock

Product information

Spyrit Pro is a professional fungicide (concentrated suspension (SC)) that has two active substances in its composition: dimethomorph is a local systemic fungicide with preventive, curative and antisporulent action.

- prevention, curative and antisporulent action
- system activity thanks to propamocarb
- broad spectrum of action

Action mode:
Spyrit Pro has two active substances in its composition: dimethomorph is a local systemic fungicide with preventive, curative and anti-sporulating action. Propamocarb also has systemic activity.

Methods of application:
- Apply at warning or when the conditions are favourable for the appearance of diseases, between the development stages of the potato BBCH 19-85 and BBCH 12-45 in the case of lettuce.
Potatoes: apply a maximum of 3 treatments per season. Preharvest Interval (PHI): 7-12 days between them.
Lettuce: apply a maximum of 2-3 treatments per season. Preharvest Interval (PHI): 10-12 days between them.
- Use the shorter interval in conditions of high disease pressure.

Consult the compatibility table and perform a test.

- For Preharvest Interval (PHI): use the shorter interval if there is a threat of a certain disease.
- Take into account calculating the volume of water.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Sumitomo Chemical Agro
Packaging 250 ml
Formulations SC-concentrated suspension
Active Substances Dimethomorph, Propamocarb hydrochloride
Active Substance Concentration Dimetomorf 9% + Propamocarb 50%
Crops Lettuce, Potato
Diseases Peronosporales
Dosage 2 l/ha;250 ml/1250 mp
Bio Crops Not suitable
Application Type Low pressure spray

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