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Substrates, organic materials to sustain roots

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About Substrates

Substrates are organic materials used for many types of culture, as they provide plant nutrients and sustain roots, through their organic compounds. An important property of these types of soils is that they have an improved capacity of holding water and nutrients, which they release slowly, thereby improving the conditions for plant growth.

Depending on the type of plant or flower you are cultivating and using the substrates for, they can have a different composition, a different pH level, or any other characteristics. Based on the need of the plant, and on the organic material it contains, each substrate can provide the necessary amount of nutrients, water, and airflow, it can create a better seed germination environment, or can significantly reduce the risk of rotting roots.

Thus, flower substrates provide just enough water without harming the flower, and those used for crops provide a healthy environment, where crops can easily develop, as the soil becomes more fertile.

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    For orders between €350 and €500

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    For orders between €500 and €1000

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    For orders above €1000

    Discount code: NXL-5%

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