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SG 20

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SG 20

Out of stock

Product information

Stihl SG 20 is no longer manufactured.

STIHL SG 20 is a portable back wearable spray, with an 18 l tank capacity. It is ideal for accurate manual spraying of substances against pests and liquid fertilisers, on large field areas and in households. The sprayer is equipped with an external pump brass, adjustable conical brass nozzle, pressure gauge, external pressure tank, reinforced hose and reinforced lance.

Properties and benefits:
- Durable, and it doesn't require frequent refills;
- Adjustable support harness;
- Using proper chemicals is mandatory.

1 The 18 liters tank with large filler hole is designed for durability , without frequent refills. If the tank must be refilled, this happens clean and quickly through the filler hole, without leaks.
 2 The backpack system is ideal for long uses on larger areas. It distributes even the weight of the spray drift.
 3 Adjustable conical nozzle, made of brass for the economical application of the sprayer, the intensity of the spray boom can be individually adjusted from the brass conical nozzle.
 4 Pressure gauge which can constantly verify the working pressure of the spraying liquid. In this way you can work economically and ecologically.
 5 Pressure hose with net reinforcement and flexible spraying lance it is particularly robust and ideal for long uses.
 6 External pressure pump. To the external brass pump it builds the needed pressure for the use of the spray boom.

Technical Data:
- To control pests and weeds in fruit, flower and vegetable gardens, on trees and bushes and on other plants, such as coffee, tobacco and cotton;
- For maintaining young trees, controlling the bark beetle and other plant diseases.

Instructions and recommendations issued by the manufacturer:
- The correct use of this machine includes the person who is operating, the backpack sprayer and the use of it, the handling of the chemicals to be sprayed;
- Avoid direct contact with chemicals.



1  Backplate
 2  Pressure container
 3  Belt
 4  Pistol
 5  Filter
 6  Pressure gauge
 Nozzle support
10   Vent piece
11   Seal
12   Strainer
13   Liquid tank
 14  Pump
15   Support
16   Pry bar
 #  Machine Serial number

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Stihl
Packaging 1 unit
Apparatus Type Sprayers Hand
Apparatus Mobility Hand Carried
Color White
Tank Capacity 18 litres
Power Manual

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  • None of the discounts is applicable for products in the 'Sprayers-Foggers' and 'Special Units' categories.
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