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Product information

The vehicle moounted nebulizer Spray Team City is equipped with the cannon Flexigun Techno. It has a hose with metal strengthened  protection for high accuracy.


- The wind effect is substantially reduced and the fog is less likely to be diverted;

- Is equipped with a shockproof automatically with motion sensor;

- The gun base is mounted on a shockproof with 360 degrees effect;

- If it is adjusted the angle above the limit values it is possible to return to the factory settings;

- Vertical and horizontal angle between 15-220 degrees;

- Ultra Low Volume option;

- Electrostatic charging system to maintain uniform particules against the wind.

Possible operations with this appliance:
- Pest control in the environment;

- Spraying insecticide on alignments, hedges, banks, barriers slopes, walls of buildings;

- Through "Soft" technology can be treated  shrubs or plants without producing any damage;

- Thermofog-Aerosol treatments in the stables, lockers and warehouses, basements, channels, systems of drainage, treatment plants etc;

- Fertilizing  the trees and plants in the city;

- Revitalising trees or very old plants.


Additional Information

Manufacturer Spray Team
Packaging 1 unit
Apparatus Type Cold Foggers
Apparatus Mobility Vehicle Mounted
Color Green
Tank Capacity over 30 litres
Power Diesel Engine

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List of Discounts

  • 2%
    For orders between €350 and €500

    Discount code: NXL-2%

  • 4%
    For orders between €500 and €1000

    Discount code: NXL-4%

  • 5%
    For orders above €1000

    Discount code: NXL-5%

  • None of the discounts is applicable for products in the 'Sprayers-Foggers' and 'Special Units' categories.
  • It is not possible to accumulate more coupons in your shopping cart.