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Hauert Seeds

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About Seeds

Seeds are used to propagate many crops, such as cereals, legumes, aromatic plants, flowers, trees and grasses. Seeds are also a source of feed. Depending on the culture technology, these can be for amateur or professional use, hybrids and many other well-established varieties.

Because of climate change and the improvement of the culture method, scientists have developed hybrids. A hybrid is created when the breeders intentionally cross (by pollination) two different varieties of a plant. The descendant will have the best traits of each parent, such as the larger size of the fruit, disease resistance, indeterminate growth etc.

List of Discounts

  • 2%
    For orders between €350 and €500

    Discount code: NXL-2%

  • 4%
    For orders between €500 and €1000

    Discount code: NXL-4%

  • 5%
    For orders above €1000

    Discount code: NXL-5%

  • None of the discounts is applicable for products in the 'Sprayers-Foggers' and 'Special Units' categories.
  • It is not possible to accumulate more coupons in your shopping cart.