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eu rosier fertilizer megasol 15 30 15 25 kg - 0, thumbnail

Megasol 15-30-15, 25 kg

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eu rosier fertilizer megasol 15 30 15 25 kg - 0

Megasol 15-30-15, 25 kg

Out of stock

Product information

MEGASOL 15:30:15 is a soluble fertilizer created especially for use in advanced irrigation systems, especially in drip irrigation, as well as for foliar and basic fertilization.

-Total nitrogen (Nt) 15%;
-Phosphorus (P2O5) 30% water soluble;
-Potassium (K2C) 15% water soluble;

Iron (Fe) 500, Manganese (Mn) 250, Zinc (Zn) 125, Copper (Cu) 25 solubilized in chelates with EDTA, Boron (B) 100 soluble in water.

Advantages of fertigation:
-the product is applied evenly;
-the nutrients reach the root quickly;
-possibility of increasing the harvest quantitatively and qualitatively by 25-35%.

Way of usage:
-For foliar fertilization the concentrations used are 0.5-1.5%;
-For fertigation (along with irrigation water) the concentrations used are 0.1-0.2%;
-As a supplement to the basic fertilizer, on the soil before planting / sowing, depending on the soil needs.

Culture Number of applications Period of application
Cereals 2-4 Along with phytosanitary treatments
Corn 2-3 Preventive or in case of deficiency symptoms, together with phytosanitary treatments
Sunflower 1-2 Along with phytosanitary or preventive treatments
Potato 1-2 Along with treatments against diseases and pests
Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers 3-5 During the vegetation period with the treatments
Root vegetables 2-3 From 5 to 10 leaves, repeating every 2 weeks
Melons 1-2 With the treatments
Vine 1-2 Along with phytosanitary treatments
Fruit trees 1-2 With the treatments
Strawberry 1 With the treatments
Flowers 1-2 When performing treatments against diseases and pests

Additional Information

Manufacturer Rosier
Packaging 25 kg
Shelf life (years) 3
Formulations Granules
Crops Apple tree, Apricot tree, Cabbages, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Cherry tree, Cucumber, Gooseberry, Lettuce, Onion, Parsley, Peach tree, Pear tree, Pepper, Plum tree, Quince tree, Sour cherries, Spinach, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Walnut tree
Active Substances Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Zinc
Bio Crops Not suitable

Precautionary Statements

P102 Keep out of reach of children
P264 Wash … thoroughly after handling
P270 Do no eat, drink or smoke when using this product
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection
P312 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.

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