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eu pieterpikzonen seed amsterdamse 1 g - 1, thumbnail

Cutting Celery Amsterdamse, 1 g

Out of stock

eu pieterpikzonen seed amsterdamse 1 g - 1

Cutting Celery Amsterdamse, 1 g

Out of stock

Product information

Leaf celery is a crop with high demands on soil and atmospheric humidity, preferring light soils.

It has a short, wide, thick, fleshy and tender stalk.

Sowing is done 10 weeks before transplanting into the garden/greenhouse.

The sowing temperature is 15º C.

The pots to be seeded are filled with seedlings or garden soil in combination with sand or peat for good drainage. 

It has to be sown in February-March.

Sprouting takes place 3-4 weeks after sowing. 

It is used in a green or dry state in the food and pharmaceutical industry.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Pieterpikzonen
Packaging 1 g
Crops Celery

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