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Prodate Redox, 500 ml

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Prodate Redox, 500 ml

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Product information

Prodate Redox, 500 ml is a systemic, hormone-like herbicide that is absorbed through the leaves. Part of the active substance is transported to the leaves and the other part to the roots. Due to the excess of auxins, weed metabolism becomes extremely high. The herbicide causes abnormal cell development (growth becomes uncontrollable), and inhibits respiration and the development of the weed's root system. The rate of translocation of the herbicide depends on the rate applied, the size of the weed and, in particular, the climatic conditions (humidity, temperature) before and after treatment.

How to use:

Prodate Redox, 500 ml is to be applied post-emergence, in vegetation, in calm weather, when the temperature is above 15°C, according to the product approval. On straw cereals, it is applied from the plant's seedling stage until the formation of the first internode. 

In maize, the herbicide should be applied in spring, when the maize plants have 4-6 leaves and the weeds are at the rosette stage - Cirsium arvense < 10 cm. The recommended amount of solution to be applied per hectare is between 200 - 400 litres.

In drought conditions apply 400 l solution/ha. Annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds, susceptible and partially susceptible to 2,4 D: Amaranthus retroflexus (wild buckwheat), Atriplex spp. (wild wolfbane), Capsella bursa pastoris (shepherd's teat), Centaurea cyanus (bluegrass), Chenopodium album (wild spinach), Cirsium arvense (creeping thistle), Polygonum aviculare (knotgrass), Raphanus spp. (wild radish), Rumex acetosa (sorrel), Senecio vulgaris (groundsel), Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard), Solanum nigrum (blackberry), Sonchus arvensis (field sowthistle), Stellaria media (chickweed), Thlaspi arvense (field pennycress), Vicia spp. (popany vetch), Xanthium italicum (cockleburs).


Prodate Redox herbicide is compatible with other herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Before use, it is recommended to carry out a practical compatibility test respecting the rates indicated on the label. It is recommended to consult the compatibility tables.

Crops  Weeds Dosage Time of application 

 Dicotyledonous annual and perennial weeds,
susceptible and partially susceptible to 2,4 D

 1,0 l/ha  Postemergent BBCH 13-29

 Dicotyledonous annual and perennial weeds,
susceptible and partially susceptible to 2,4 D

1,0 l/ha Postemergent BBCH 13-29 


Additional Information

Manufacturer Nufarm
Packaging 500 ml
Formulations Liquid
Active Substances 2.4-D acid
Active Substance Concentration 600 g/l
Against Chickweed, Cornflower, Field penny-cress, Field sow-thistle, Groundsel, Redroot pigweed, Shepherd's purse, Thistles, Vetches, Wild mustard, Wild radish
Crops Corn, Wheat
Dosage 1 l/ha
Timing of application Postemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray

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