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eu eu repellent mole 10 p - 5, thumbnail

Mole repellent, 10 pieces

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eu eu repellent mole 10 p - 5 eu eu repellent mole 10 p - 5 eu eu repellent mole 10 p - 5 eu eu repellent mole 10 p - 5

Mole repellent, 10 pieces

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Product information

Repellent tablets against moles.

- Safe for plants;
- Active - regardless of temperature;
- Easy to use - just apply in the holes and problems disappear;
- Long-lasting and effective;
- Guaranteed - 100%.

Way of usage:

At intervals of 5 to 6 meters, opens a hole in the tunnel (where there are galleries visible on the surface) and on each pile of a molehill.

Apply 1-2 pills (depending on the size of the pier) of 20 gr. at each hole, pour water - between 1 - 2 liters, then coat the holes with earth and press easy to seal the gallery.


- At the opening of a tunnel of moles is frequently found to exist two channels slashes in the soil, holes where the mole would remove the ground from the separated galleries, there shall be applied a tablet in each hole (toward each gallery).
- Do not cover the tablets with soil, because it will decrease the efficiency (shall only cover the hole in the gallery with a clod of dirt).

It is recommended to use rubber gloves for protection or washing very rigorous the hands after coming in contact with the product!

Additional Information

Manufacturer EU
Packaging set of 10
Formulations Tablet
Get rid of Moles
Type of effect Smell, Touch
Power Manual
Usage Area Outdoor

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