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eu hauert fertilizer biorga plumos 25 kg - 0, thumbnail

Biorga Plumos, 25 kg

Out of stock

eu hauert fertilizer biorga plumos 25 kg - 0

Biorga Plumos, 25 kg

Out of stock

Product information

Biorga Plumos is a nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, suitable for organic crops, providing the necessary nutrients for the development of fruits, vegetables and vines.

Unlike Biorga N and Biorga Quick fertilizer, Biorga Plumos contains 3% phosphorus, being ideal for vine crops.

-Total nitrogen 12%
-Total phosphorus 3%

-Granulation: pellets 2-4.5 mm
-Application rate: 60-100 kg / ha
-Application period: At the beginning of vegetation in spring and throughout the year

Method of application:
-It is recommended to apply a dose of 60-100 kg / ha.
-The application can be done throughout the year, but it is recommended that the first fertilization take place shortly before the start of vegetation.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Hauert
Packaging 25 kg
Formulations Pellet
Crops Apple tree, Apricot tree, Butternut squash, Cabbages, Carrot, Cherry tree, Cucumber, Eggplant, Onion, Peach tree, Pear tree, Pepper, Plum tree, Potato, Quince tree, Tomatoes, Vineyard, Zucchini
Active Substances Nitrogen, Phosphorus
Active Substance Concentration 12%, 3%
Bio Crops Suitable

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