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eu gnld professional detergent super 10 5 l - 0, thumbnail

Super 10, 5 litres

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eu gnld professional detergent super 10 5 l - 0

Super 10, 5 litres

Out of stock

Product information

Most of the commercial and industrial cleaning detergents are often excessively aggressive and dangerous to humans. Often toxic these types of detergents contain active ingredients that can penetrate and remove the most persistent dirt BUT damage the environment and sometimes one's health. So why not use a product that works as well but doesn't have a negative impact?
Super 100, 5 litres is a professional product specifically formulated for difficult cleaning, especially effective in removing grease and oil. Diluted in different proportions with water, it can satisfy the most varied cleaning requirements.

- liquid detergent with a high fluidity
- environmentally friendly
- non toxic
- Super 100 is especially suitable for removing grease and oil found together on industrial machines, agricultural plants, factory floors, etc.

How to use:
For the easiest cleanings it is enough to dissolve it in a ratio of 1:10, but in some cases higher concentrations may be required, up to 1: 3.
Its excellent performance is not influenced by the hardness of the water used.

Please be sure to read, understand and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment when needed.


Additional Information

Manufacturer GNLD
Packaging 5 litres
Shelf life (years) 3
Cleaning Carpets and upholstery, Ceramic tiles, Crockery, Glass, Ovens, Parquet, Stainless steel, Textiles
Formulations Liquid

Precautionary Statements


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