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Nara Liquid Vanilla

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Nara Liquid Vanilla Nara Liquid Vanilla

Nara Liquid Vanilla

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Product information

Nara Liquid Vanilla is a professional high-tech, non-toxic attractant created specially for rodents. Due to its form it can be fixed in the Gorilla Traps Mouse Trap and Gorilla Traps Rat Trap as well as identical products.

Properties & Benefits:
- Highly effective due to its rodent specific formulation;
- Rodents consume a large volume of water, so they may sense water from great distances, even without additional flavours;
- Composition: 98% water, 1% polyacrylamide and 1% flavours of food.

Way of usage & Placement:
- Just use the product in the targeted areas.
- Replace the attractant after approximately 7 days because the liquid will evaporate (depending on the environment).

Other tips & recommendations:
- Nara Liquid Vanilla combines 2 needs of rodents, namely water and food in one attractant with mild vanilla flavour.
- It can be used in bakeries, supermarkets, barns, etc. as well indoors and outdoors.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.


Additional Information

Manufacturer FuturA
Packaging 1 piece
Trap type Attractant
Color Transparent
Get rid of Mice, Rats
Reusable Are not
Usage Area Indoor, Outdoor

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