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Lontrel 300 EC, 100 ml

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Lontrel 300 EC, 100 ml

Out of stock

Product information

Lontrel 300 EC, 100 ml is a professional systemic herbicide, post-emergent, used in combating dicotyledonous weeds. Lontrel belongs to Group 1 herbicides, together with 2,4 - D, MCPA, dicamba, picloram, triclopyr, and fluroxypyr which are disruptive to the growth of plant cells. This unique mode of action makes the Lontrel 300 EC the ideal herbicide for use in control strategies and resistance against broad-leaved weeds.

- Fast action
- Very effective against perennial weeds with deep roots such as thistles
- Group I herbicide
- Broad spectrum herbicides

Action mode:
- After the herbicide is applied it is absorbed very quickly and translocated throughout the plant, including at the root level, and accumulates in areas with increased metabolic activity. This translocation capacity makes Lontrel highly effective against perennial weeds with deep roots like thistles. The weeds concerned by this herbicide do not die immediately, but their growth is stopped.
- Once translocated in all weed regions, clopyralid interrupts water absorption, nutrients, and plant metabolism. The leaves dry out and lose their functional properties, and eventually the plant dies, including the roots of depth.

Methods of application:
- Select a rate appropriate to weed size.
- Do not use it on weeds which may be stressed (inactive growth) because of prolonged periods of extreme heat or cold, moisture stress (water logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result.
- Do not use more than one application per crop.

- compatible with atrazine and simazine for use in triazine tolerant canola
- Compatible with broadleaf herbicides, grass herbicides on broadleaf crops and cereals crops, adjuvants

- After the herbicide is applied it is absorbed very quickly and translocated throughout the plant, including at the root level, and accumulates in areas with increased metabolic activity. This translocation capacity makes Lontrel highly effective against perennial weeds with deep roots like thistles. The weeds concerned by this herbicide do not die immediately, but their growth is stopped.
- Once translocated in all weed regions, clopyralid interrupts water absorption, nutrients, and plant metabolism. The leaves dry out and lose their functional properties, and eventually the plant dies, including the roots of depth.
- Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water courses.
- Perform partial cleaning before spraying other labelled or tolerant crops.
- Perform complete cleaning before spraying crops that are susceptible to residues of Lontrel. 

Crop  Weeds attacked  Application moment  Dose 
Onions sown directly Compositae Postemergence 0.5 l/ha
Vine  Polygonaceae Postemergence 0.5 l/ha
Rape Thistles  Postemergence 0.3-0.5 l/ha
Wheat  Perennial (thistles) and annual dicotyledons (except wild mustard, wild radish) Postemergence 0.3-0.5 l/ha
Corn  Perennial (thistles) and annual dicotyledons (except wild mustard, wild radish) Postemergence 0.3-0.5 l/ha
Mustard Perennial dicotyledons and some annual species Postemergence 0.3-0.5 l/ha
Sugar beet Thistles  Postemergence 0.3-0.5 l/ha (2 treatments every 2 weeks)
Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Dow Agro Sciences
Packaging 100 ml
Shelf life (years) 2
Formulations EC-Emulsifiable concentrate
Active Substances Clopyralid
Active Substance Concentration 300 g/liter
Against Common groundsel, Corn chamomile, Creeping thistle, Field sow-thistle, Pale persicaria, Spotted lady's thumb
Crops Beet sugar, Corn, Mustard, Onion, Rapeseed, Sylviculture, Vineyard, Wheat
Dosage 0.3-0.5 l/ha
Timing of application Postemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray

Precautionary Statements

H319 Causes serious eye irritation
H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

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