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Glifocig Total

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Glifocig Total

Glifocig Total

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Product information

Gluficig Total is a total herbicide that comes in the form of a clear, blue liquid. It is intended to control annual and perennial dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds in vine, fruit or stubble crops.

- it has a total systemic action in weeds
- the first signs of wilting appear after 24 hours from the application
- after about 3 weeks, the weeds, depending on the species, dry completely
- approved for the post-emergence control of annual and perennial monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds (including rhizome crust) from stubble

Action Mode:
- The herbicide is applied to sunburn weeds and it has a total systemic action in weeds.
- After being absorbed by leaves or other aerial parts, the active substance is distributed to the roots and rhizomes, and the first signs of wilting appear 24 hours after application. After about 3 weeks, the weeds, depending on the species, dry completely.
- Glifocig Total controls all weeds in the vegetation, ensuring complete cleaning of the land. It has no restrictions for crops following herbicide.

Methods of application:
- This herbicide is carried out in the phase of intense weed growth, until flowering. It is important to have an optimal contact surface.
Annual grass weeds:
- the optimal time of application is after they have formed two leaves or when they have a height of at least 5 cm.
Perennial grass weeds:
- the herbicide should be applied when they have more than 4-5 leaves formed or a height of 10-15 cm, and for annual broadleaf weeds, it should be administered when they have at least 2 leaves.

The recommended dosage:
- 3-4 l / ha for a normal infestation with annual and perennial weeds, but it can increase in cases of stronger infestations.

The treatment is carried out when the weeds, especially the perennial ones, are active and sufficiently developed to take over and translocate the product to their underground parts.

Glifocig Total may be compatible with other commonly used herbicides. However, for correct use it is advisable to consult the compatibility tables and perform a small area test before use.

It is recommended to avoid contact of this herbicide with the shoots at the base of the vine.
For the treatment to be effective. This must be followed by irrigating the land with a large amount of water, 200-400 l / ha.
The number of recommended treatments per season is 1-2, with an interval between treatments of 60 days
This herbicide is effective when performed at temperatures of 15-25 ° C and a high relative humidity.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer CIG
Packaging 1 unit
Formulations SL-soluble concentrate
Active Substances Glyphosate
Active Substance Concentration 360 g/liter
Against Black nightshade, Chickweed, Corn chamomile, Field penny-cress, Goosegrass, Jimsonweed, Johnson grass, Large crabgrass, Shepherd's purse, Spear saltbush, Spotted lady's thumb, Sunflower, Wild oat, Yellow foxtail
Crops Apple tree, Apricot tree, Cherry tree, Peach tree, Pear tree, Plum tree, Quince tree, Sour cherries, Vineyard
Timing of application Postemergence, Preemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, annual monocotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous, perennial monocotyledonous
Application Type Ready to Use

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