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Demitan 200 SC, 1 litre

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Demitan 200 SC, 1 litre

Demitan 200 SC, 1 litre

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Product information

Demitan 200 SC, 1 litre is a powerful acaricide with proven effects against all mobile forms of phytophagous mites. It offers insecticidal protection for many different crops, it provides a "shock" effect and long-lasting protection, for healthy, well-protected crops.

- Controls phytophagous mites and some species of spiders;
- Controls insects in all stages of development;
- Remnant effect of up to 6 weeks;
- Ovicidal effect against Panonicus spp;
- Efficient even in high or low temperatures.

Action mode of Demitan 200 SC:
- Once applied, provides a "knockdown" effect when insects come into contact or ingest the active substance;
- Phytophagous mites in all stages of development (larvae, nymphs, and adults), as well as eriophyidae become stunned, lose their ability to feed, and suffer death shortly after contact;
- Demitan 200 SC offers insecticidal protection for many different crops and continues to provide powerful protection of up to 4 to 6 weeks after application, eliminating mite eggs in any kind of climate.

Methods of application:
Demitan 200 SC is applied through foliar spraying. Apply the product at the first symptoms of infestation (4 adult insects per leaf).
The recommended dose of Demitan is mixed with a volume of water ranging from 300 to 2000 l per ha, depending on the volume of foliar mass.
Withholding period of 21 days.

Demitan 200 SC is compatible with most phytosanitary products on the market.
Consult the list of compatibility and perform a small-scale test when mixing products.

Only apply Demitan ONCE per season. To avoid pest resistance development, use the product alternatively with other insecticidal products (different chemicals and modes of action).
Use together with other pesticides for complete crop protection programs.
Ally uniformly to plants, making sure to cover both sides of the leaves.
Respect the dosage instructions for efficient results.
It is recommended to apply a volume of solution suitable for the size of the plants. This will allow for a proper concentration of the solution, maximizing the effects of the insecticide.

Culture Pests Dose
 Vine  The red spider  0.5-0.7 l/ha
 Strawberry  The strawberry spider  0.07%
 Black currant  The common red spider  0.05-0.07%
 Peppers, Cucumbers (solariums)  The common red spider  0.05%
 Eggplant (field)  The common red spider  0.05%
 Watermelons (field)  The common red spider  0.05%
 Chrysanthemums (solariums)  The common red spider  0.05%
 Plumtree  The red mite, the common red spider  0.07%
 Appletree   The common red spider  0.07%
 The red mite  0.05%

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed. 

Additional Information

Manufacturer Chemtura Agro Solutions
Packaging 1 litre
Formulations SC-concentrated suspension
Active Substances Fenazaquin
Active Substance Concentration 200 g/litre
Crops Apple tree, Chrysanthemums, Cucumber, Eggplant, Pepper, Plum tree, Strawberries, Vineyard
Bio Crops Not suitable
Mode of action contact, ingestion
Crop pests mites
Application Type Low pressure spray
Odor slightly irritating

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