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eu cheminova herbicide innovate 240 sc 1 l - 2, thumbnail

Innovate 240 SC, 1 litre

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eu cheminova herbicide innovate 240 sc 1 l - 2

Innovate 240 SC, 1 litre

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Product information

Innovate 240 SC, 1 litre is a nicosulfuron-based herbicide with systemic weed control effects, quick translocation, and highly effective results against annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds.

- Delivers quality control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds;
- No restrictions for sugar corn and popcorn;
- Reliable action against problem weeds, in advanced stages of development;
- Compatible with corn protection products;
- Selective action, safe for crop plants.

Action mode:
- Inhibits ALS enzyme synthesis, disrupting cell division and elongation;
- It is rapidly absorbed through the leaves and translocated through the xylem and phloem to the meristematic tissues of the targeted plants;
- The growth and development of the weeds is stopped after 6-7 hours, and the discoloration of the leaf appears within a few days later;
- Chlorosis, necrosis, and complete drying of weeds occur within 21 days after application of the herbicide.

Methods of application:
It is applied post-emergence when crop plants are in the 2-leaf up to the 8-leaf stage.
Maximum results are achieved during the stage of 1 - 3 leaves until twinning in the case of annual grasses and during the height range of 15 - 20 cm for perennials.
For cultivation, the optimum time is after 14 to 21 days from the application of the herbicide to allow complete translocation into the rhizomes of perennial weeds.

Corn(Annual monocotyledonous) - 0.135 l per ha, during BBCH 14-18.
Corn(Sorghum halepense) - 0.170 to 0.250 per ha, during BBCH 14-18.

Crop  Weeds attacked  Application moment  Dose 
Corn  Annual monocotyledons (Barnyard grass, Johnson grass, Yellow foxtail) Postemergence 0.135 l/ha
Johnson grass Postemergence 0.170-0.250 l/ha

Compatible with most of the crop products available on the market.
Before mixing with other crop protection products, perform a small-scale compatibility test.
Not compatible with bentazone-based products and organophosphorus insecticides.

For better translocation and lasting herbicidal effect, it is recommended to be in a tank with TREND 90 - 250 ml per ha.
To broaden the control spectrum, Innovate 240 SC can be combined with dicamba, mesotrione, fluroxypyr, or 2,4 D.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Cheminova
Packaging 1 litre
Formulations SC-concentrated suspension
Active Substances Nicosulfuron
Active Substance Concentration 240 g/liter
Against Barnyard grass, Johnson grass, Yellow foxtail
Crops Corn
Timing of application Postemergence
Types of weeds annual monocotyledonous, perennial monocotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray

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