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eu catchmaster trap savage mole - 1, thumbnail

Savage Mole

Regular Price: €41.29


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eu catchmaster trap savage mole - 1

Savage Mole

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Regular Price: €41.29


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Regular Price: €41.29


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Product information

Savage Mole is a professional mechanical trap with fast triggering, used to combat all mole species. The Savage Mole Trap is equipped with a powerful string, which gives a much higher catch rate than the usual traps regardless of the way moles enter the trap.

Properties & Benefits:
- easy to install;
- it doesn't require bait;
- long lasting and high strength steel;
- reusable trap with weatherproof finish;
- efficient against all mole species;
- powerful string mechanism & fast trigger;
- eliminates the need for the use of toxic substances or other chemicals;
- adequate for any soil conditions, both very dry and wet.

Way of usage & Placement:
- Always choose two relatively fresh swarms (these indicate an intense activity in the area);
- With a stick or a similar instrument drill the ground between the two swarms to detect the gallery;
- Dig a section of the same size with the trap, making sure the section is aligned with the gallery.
- Remove the dirt from the gallery;
- Place the trap in the prepared section along the gallery. The trap can be set by simply pressing the foot foot on the trigger. The lower grip jaws will open inside the gallery and the central disc will be lowered.
- Fully cover the section so that no light or air currents enter the gallery;
- Moles will push both the disc and dirt, which will trigger the trap.
- Check the trap every 24 hours. If you have not captured any mole within 72 hours, move the trap to another location with high activity.

Other tips & recommendations:
- After catching the mole, the trigger will return to its original position.
- This makes it easier to detect when the trap was triggered.
- Always place the trap along a tunnel, not in a swarm.
- Never activate the trap with bare hands or after coming into direct contact with substances that have a strong odour, detergents etc.
- Moles have a strong sense of smell. They can sense human smell on the trap and will avoid the area.
- To disassemble the trap, you can trigger the upper lever with a screwdriver or long instrument.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer CatchMaster
Packaging 1 piece
Formulations Metal
Trap type Mechanical
Color Black
Get rid of Moles
Reusable Can be
Power Manual
Usage Area Outdoor

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