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eu brc trap gluetrap gt20b - 4, thumbnail

GlueTrap GT20B

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eu brc trap gluetrap gt20b - 4 eu brc trap gluetrap gt20b - 4 eu brc trap gluetrap gt20b - 4

GlueTrap GT20B

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Product information

The GlueTrap is a modern method of combat against flying insects where hygiene is an important consideration. As a decorative accessory, suitable for placement on the wall, this fly killer was designed both for individual use and for professional use. It's designed to be used in homes, caravans, offices, shops, restaurants, reception areas, medical and veterinary analysis laboratories, nurseries, schools etc.

Way of ussage:

- GlueTrap is mounted on the wall at a height between 1.80 m and 2.20 m in areas with low light;
- Fluorescent bulbs can be replaced once a year and the glue board every two months;
- Covered area: 50 square meters;
- GlueTrap can only be used indoors, in areas without dust.

Power: 15W.

Mode of action:

Insects are attracted to UV light created by fluorescent bulb inside the fly killer. The design of the product and the attached tape permits capturing of the insects without the risk of being thrown out. For greatest effectiveness of the fly killer, it need to be installed in the center of the covered area.

Additional Information

Manufacturer BRC
Packaging 1 piece
Trap type Glue
Protected Surface 21 - 50 mp
Color White, Yellow
Get rid of Flies, Mosquitoes, Night Butterfly
Reusable Can be
Usage Area Indoor

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