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Electric Tape

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Electric Tape

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Product information

Birdeex is an anti birds electrical tape, with an innovative and aesthetic system, easy to install.
The mechanism on which it's based this repellent is a flexible strip that works by electrostatic impulses that will frighten the birds, without putting them in danger.
The product is made of PVC Crystal extra durable and UV protection according to international standards DIN ISO 868 * UNE * UNE 21-117 53-020.
The tape has a length of 15 meters.

How does it work?

A 220V battery is connected with a 12V power that sends impulses of 0.5-1 Jules (fully harmless to humans and animals)

Usually, birds perceive the shock wave before landing, while are still in flight. When the bird sits and comes into contact with the conductive rods, it will feel a mild shock wave which will create discomfort but will not injure the bird.

The high level of flexibility allows an easy installation. The tape can be adapted to the contour of the placed area.

Where it can be placed?

Birdeex electrical tape can be located in any place. Because of the transparency and the silicone material that adheres to any surface, the electrical tape can be placed on glass areas, commercial signs, and other visible surfaces.


1. Straight connections :

Cut flexible PVC tape with scissors.
Insert the springs in the black tube.
Now you can connect the second piece.

2. Curved connections

Cut the area where you want to make a curve of a 45 ° angle.
Insert one spring on the black tube side.
Connect the second piece.

3. Curves connections with accessories.

Cut the PVC band and attached together with the attachment for connections curves.
Introduce curved ends of the accessory connections on both sides.

4. Electrical connection.
Introduce two springs on the inside of the black tube. Place a loop of connection on the electrical wiring.
Then connect using a pair of pliers. It is relevant if it is placed in a positive or negative direction.
Place warning signs from 5 to 5 meters in a visible space.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Birdeex
Packaging 1 piece
Get rid of Birds
Type of effect UltraSound
Power Battery
Usage Area Outdoor

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