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Nature's Defense Mouse and Rat Repellent, 1.36 kg

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Nature's Defense Mouse and Rat Repellent, 1.36 kg

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Product information

Nature's Defense Repellent for mice and rats keeps mice and rats away without chemicals or traps by forming a repellent barrier due to irritating smell.

Active ingredients: organic garlic (0.00125%), organic cinnamon (0.00028%), organic cloves (0.00028%), organic white pepper (0.00028%), organic rosemary (0.00015%), organic thyme  (0.00015%), organic mint (0.00009%)


- It is a harmless product for children, pets and plants;
- 100% organic, no chemicals;
- It leaves no residue unlike other products and is easy to use;
- Its formula does not burn plants;
- Rain and snow resistant product;
- It does not contain ingredients (egg, blood, etc.) which can attract unwanted carnivores and omnivores such as skunks, coyotes, raccoons, and more;
- Reduces the risk of spreading diseases.

How to use:

Protects the house, attics, basement, warehouse from damage caused by rodents. Shake well before each use, granules are naturally moist and may clump. Sprinkle on and around areas where unwanted animals cause damage. Can be applied directly to plants.

Type of infestation  Application period  Maintenance 
 average  1x per week for 2 weeks  1x per month
 severe  2x per week for 3 weeks  1x per month

Must be applied as directed. Allow 2 to 3 weeks for the product to take full effect.

For tunnels, sprinkle the granules in all openings according to the table.


  • - Not for human consumption.
  • - Keep out of reach of children.
  • - Avoid prolonged contact with skin.
  • - Use eye protection to avoid granules entering the eyes.
  • - Store in a cool dry area.
  • - Do not reuse empty containers.
  • - Place in trash or recycle where available.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Bird-X
Packaging 1.36 kg
Formulations Granules
Get rid of Mice, Rats
Type of effect Smell
Power Manual
Usage Area Outdoor

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