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Insecticide Solfac Trio EC 200, 5 litres

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Insecticide Solfac Trio EC 200, 5 litres

Out of stock

Can be used by
General public / amateur, Professional, Trained professional

Product information

Solfac Trio EC 200, 5 litres is a powerful pyrethroid-based insecticide containing three active substances. It helps control insects, both flying and crawling, by providing a reliable and efficient treatment for both indoor and outdoor areas. Solfac Trio is a very flexible treatment, that can be sprayed or used with special fog equipment and can be used in homes, industrial areas, and public institutions.

- Efficient against many types of insect pests;
- Contains 3 active substances, for enhanced insect control;
- Can be used in industrial, public, and domestic situations;
- Biodegradable, does not leave stains, non-flammable;
- If used correctly, it does not cause damage to bees, plants, or non-targeted creatures;
- Indoor and Outdoor use.

Action mode:
Solfac Trio EC offers a practical solution against insects where other insecticides cannot be used:
- It has a fast-acting effect against home-invading insects such as cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, etc;
- Works well on a large range of surface, binding to organic matter to provide long-lasting residual effects (up to 8-10 weeks);
- Penetrates tight spaces, where insects could be hiding;
- After contact, provides a knock-down and kill effect.

Solfac Trio uses three substances, deadly to targeted insects, to provide a stable and safe solution against infestations. With more than 90 % efficiency for up to 30 days(depending on environmental factors), Solfac Trio is a reliable treatment that delivers knock-down effects and a guaranteed reduction of the pest population.

Methods of application:
- Solfac Trio can be applied either as a spray using compression sprayers or as a thermal fog using specialized equipment.
- Follow the label directions for recommended dosages and application methods when using Solfac Trio as a spray treatment.
- Make sure to apply Solfac Trio in places where insects could potentially be hiding or nesting.
- When applying as a fog treatment, against moving insects use 25 ml of product with 1 l of oil-based agent to cover 1000 m3.
- When applying as a fog treatment, against nesting insects use 50 ml of product with 1 l of oil-based agent to cover 1000 m3.

- After the treatment has been applied, it is advised to limit access of children and pets into the treated area for at least 48 hours.
- In case of heavy infestations, the treatment should be reapplied once per month, or after rain (when used in outdoor situations).

Type of Treatment

Targeted pest

Dose of 
Solfac Trio 


Oil agent

Coverage area

Spray application 

Cockroaches and flies

15-20 ml

1 liter of water

15 m²


300-600 ml

150 liter of water

1 ha

Thermo nebulisator application

Flying and crawling insects in movement

25 ml

Liter of oil agent

1000 m³

Flying and crawling insects hiding in hard to reach areas

50 ml

Liter of oil agent

1000 m³

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Bayer
Packaging 5 litres
Destination use General public / amateur, Professional, Trained professional
Formulations Liquid
Application Type Low pressure spray, ULV-Thermal Fog
Active Substances Tetramethrin
Active Substance Concentration 50 g/liter, 125 g/liter, 25 g/liter
Mode of action contact, ingestion
Odor slight
Get rid of Cockroaches German, Cockroaches Oriental, Flies, Mosquitoes

Precautionary Statements

P102 Keep out of reach of children
P103 Read label before use
P273 Avoid release to the environment
P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
H302 Harmful if swallowed
H332 Harmful if inhaled.

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