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bayer attractant harmonix monitoring paste 5 kg - 1, thumbnail

Harmonix Monitoring Paste, 5 kg

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bayer attractant harmonix monitoring paste 5 kg - 1 bayer attractant harmonix monitoring paste 5 kg - 1

Harmonix Monitoring Paste, 5 kg

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Product information

Harmonix Monitoring Paste is a non-toxic attractant especially designed to eliminate mice and rats. It comes in the form of a bucket with red paste. It is packed in biodegradable paper and it is particularly suitable to be used in the food industry and in other sensitive areas such as schools, hospitals, the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, IT and biotech.
Monitoring and treating with Bayer’s solutions is the best sustainable approach for a safe and clean environment.

Properties & Benefits:
- does not contain any of the Big 8 allergens in its composition thus it facilitates the allergen management
- is the only monitoring bait certified by the HACCP International company for its suitability for the food industry
- maximises the bait acceptance
- speeds up consumption and reduces treatment time
- it is extremely attractive to rodents but not dangerous to humans and pets
- reduces the use of toxic baits during treatment, reducing the risk for non-target species
- it does not contain allergens and is a biodegradable product
- allows easy and fast detection of rodent activity
- indicate the importance of the infestation and the location of the nests

Way of usage & Placement:
After you have identified the rodent infestation take specific control measures:
- Focus on the baiting points showing the highest rodent activity.
- Alternatively, use mechanical traps, especially for sites not tolerating or accepting the presence of toxic baits.
- Perform inspections from time to time to check for signs of rodent activity. Replace contaminated or spoilt baits immediately. As soon as signs of consumption are noted, replace immediately with toxic bait or with a trap.
- Storage and disposal: store the original packaging in a cool and dry place inaccessible to children and pets. Harmonix Monitoring Paste is non-toxic and may be disposed of in the same manner as other food products.
- Place each individual bait consisting of 10g of paste in bait stations where possible, indoor or outdoor, out of the reach of children and non-target animals including pets, domestic animals and wildlife.
- To ensure early and reliable detection of the presence of rodents (rats and mice), place the bait near locations of rodent entry to human premises or near their preferred locations of harborage, runs, or nesting.

Other tips & recommendations:
Mice: 1–2 sachets every 3–5 metres
Rats: 2–4 sachets every 5–10 metres
- Tip: use a 360-395 nm UV lamp.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Bayer
Packaging 5 kg
Trap type Attractant
Color Red
Get rid of Mice, Rats
Reusable Are not
Usage Area Indoor, Outdoor

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