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eu arysta lifescience erbicid proponit 720 ec 1 litru - 1, thumbnail

Proponit 720 EC, 1 litre

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eu arysta lifescience erbicid proponit 720 ec 1 litru - 1

Proponit 720 EC, 1 litre

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Product information

Proponit 720 EC, 1 litre is a herbicide that provides lasting protection against invading weeds in a variety of crops. It controls a wide range of plant species, both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous, it is highly compatible with other products and does not leave phytotoxic remains in the soil.

- Contains a powerful herbicidal active substance;
- Has a long-lasting protective effect, ensuring crop safety;
- Works well on most soils;
- No crop rotation restrictions;
- Compatible with crop products.

Action mode:
Proponit 720 EC is a herbicide with a long period of action, keeping crops clean of weeds:
- Maximum effectiveness is achieved when the soil is well leveled and crushed;
- Evaporation of the product after application is very low, so it does not require express incorporation;
- In case of extreme drought, incorporation helps to achieve better diffusion of the product in the soil and the creation of the active herbicide layer necessary to stop the germination and weed growth;
- High humidity does not have a negative influence on the effectiveness of the product, however, heavy rains that lead to puddles of water for a longer period can reduce the quality of treatment;
- Proponit 720 EC decomposes completely by the end of the vegetation period and leaves no phytotoxic residues.

Methods of application:
- Under normal climate conditions and soil moisture, Proponit 720 EC will be applied immediately after sowing without the need for incorporation. Because the herbicide acts only on germinating weeds, any delay in the application may reduce the effectiveness of the product.
- In conditions of dry springs and dry soil, it is recommended to apply the herbicide treatment before sowing.
- The amount of water used for treatment is around 300 l per ha.
- The required dose for treatments is between 2 and 3 l per ha, depending on the crop that is being sprayed. 

Crop  Weeds attacked  Application moment  Dose
Corn, Sunflower Annual monocotyledons and some dicotyledons Preemergence  2-3 l ha 
Soy  Annual monocotyledons and some dicotyledons Preemergence  2-3 l/ha
Cabbage, Tomatoes, Beans, Peas Monocotyledons and dicotyledons Preemergence 2.5 l/ha

Compatible with most of the crop products available on the market.
Before mixing with other crop protection products, perform a small-scale compatibility test.

For corn, sunflower, and soy, a mixture with the herbicide Pledge 50 WP is recommended for the efficient control of dicotyledonous weeds. The synergism between the two products leads to a significant increase in efficacy.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Arysta Lifescience
Packaging 1 litre
Formulations EC-Emulsifiable concentrate
Active Substances Propisochlor
Active Substance Concentration 720 g/liter
Against Annual mercury, Barnyard grass, Black-grass, Common purslane, Flower-of-an-hour, Johnson grass, Large crabgrass, Redroot pigweed, Shepherd's purse, Yellow foxtail
Crops Alfalfa, Apple tree, Apricot tree, Beans, Blackberries, Blueberry, Cherry tree, Chickpeas, Flax, Hazelnut, Peach tree, Pear tree, Peas , Plum tree, Potato, Quince tree, Rapeseed, Raspberries, Sea buckthorns, Service tree, Sour cherries, Soybean, Strawberries, Sunflower, Walnut tree
Timing of application Preemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, annual monocotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray, ULV-Cold Fog

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