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Ceredin Forte, 500 ml

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eu alchimex herbicide ceredin forte sl 500 ml - 0

Ceredin Forte, 500 ml

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Product information

Ceredin Forte is a selective and systemic herbicide designed for the treatment of plants such as wheat and corn. As a result of its two active ingredients combined, 2.4 D acid and Dicamba, which act on weeds by absorption both at the level of the leaves and in the root system, Ceredin Forte adheres to the surface of the leaves and enters the plant, part of the active substance being transported to the tips and part to the root. Due to the excess of auxins that appear inside the weeds, the growth becomes uncontrolled and the plant eventually dries up.

- Selective and systemic herbicide;
- Clear and homogeneous;
- Wide action range;
- It fights and controls more than 200 species of annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds, including those resistant to the action of the 2.4 D acid;

Action mode:
A selective and systemic herbicide based on 2,4-dimethylamine salt 344 g / l and dicamba 120 g / that acts on weeds both by leaf and root absorption.

Methods of application:
Cultivation of cereals (except corn):
- apply from the tillering stage to the formation of the first internode, the weeds being in the phase of 2-4 leaves and maximum 10-15 cm high (for perennial weeds).

Grainy cereals:
- apply from the breeding phase of the cereals to the first internode, and the weed species are in the small phase of about 2-4 leaves and a maximum of 10-15 cm high for perennial weeds. Remember that herbicide application is not recommended when the cereal grains are advanced (over 2-3 internodes) because phytotoxic effects may occur with
significant production reductions. The approved dose is 0.8-1.0 l / ha (depending on the infestation degree and the weed's height).

- apply in post-emergence when corn plants have 4-6 leaves, in the dose of 1.0 l / ha in 200-400 l of water. Take not the weeds must be in the 2-4 leaf stage and must be less than 10 cm in height to control the palamid (Cirsium).

Incompatible materials: Oxidising agent, Strong acids, Hard base.

- Do not apply the herbicide when the cereals are in an advanced phase (more than 2 to 3 internodes) because phytotoxic effects can occur and can considerably reduce the production.
- You can also use in the springtime during the twinning phase until the formation of the second node and the weeds are in the rosette phase (namely they have 2-6 leaves): consumption 2 l/ha for corn, wheat, barley; 1,5 l/ha for the two-row barley and barley.

Crop  Weeds attacked  Dose  Application period 
Wheat  Annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds 0,8 – 1,0 liters/ha(depending on the degree of infestation and the size of the weeds) Postemergence: From twinning to the formation of the first internode, and dicotyledonous weeds at 2-4 leaves and a maximum of 10-15 cm high (for perennial weeds).
Corn  Annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds 1,0 liters/ha, in 200-400 liters of water  Postemergence:Cultivated plants have 4-6 leaves, and weeds are in the rosette phase.
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Additional Information

Manufacturer Alchimex
Packaging 500 ml
Formulations SL-soluble concentrate
Active Substances 2.4-D acid, Dicamba
Active Substance Concentration 344 g/l, 120 g/l
Against Black bindweed, Chickweed, Common fumitory, Corn chamomile, Creeping thistle, Descurainia sophia, Field bindweed, Field sow-thistle, Knotgrass, Redroot pigweed, Shepherd's purse, Spear saltbush, Velvet leaf, Wild mustard
Crops Corn, Wheat
Dosage 0.8-1.0 l/ha
Timing of application Postemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray

Precautionary Statements


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