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Surdone 70 WG, 20 g

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eu adama herbicide surdone 70 wg 20 g - 0

Surdone 70 WG, 20 g

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Product information

Surdone is a selective systemic herbicide, in the form of water-soluble granules, homogeneous without the tendency to crumble, brown in colour, with a metribuzin content of 70%. It is used in pre-emergent treatments to control annual dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds in potato and soybean crops.

- it is effective in weed control
- it fights a wide variety of weeds
- a contact and residual action

Action mode:
The active substance, Metribuzin, is absorbed mainly through the roots but also through the leaves, and has an ascending translocation through the xylem. The active substance acts by inhibiting the process of photosynthesis. In the case of pre-emergent application, the product acts on the root system of weeds.

Combat weeds: Bird's-eye speedwell, Chickweed, Common groundsel, Common hemp-nettle, Field sow-thistle, Flower-of-an-hour, Jimsonweed, Knotgrass, Rough cocklebur, Velvet leaf, Wild mustard

Methods of application:
- Apply in pre-emergent treatments to control annual dicotyledonous weeds and some monocotyledonous weeds from potato and soybean crops.
- On soils with high humus content, apply higher doses. Instead, it is recommended to use this herbicide on sandy soils or with a content of less than 0.5% humus.
- For potato crops, the recommended dosage is 0.7-1.2 kg / ha.
- For soybean crops use a dosage of 0.25-0.5 kh / ha depending on the soil and the degree of infestation.
- The recommended amount of water for the treatment to be effective is 200 - 400 l / ha. The application is made uniformly, with terrestrial means specific to the herbicide of field crops, in the absence of wind.

- SURDONE 70 WG is compatible with many pesticides with the exception of calcium and barium polysulphides, Bordeaux mixture or others with an alkaline reaction. For proper use before application, check the compatibility tables and perform a test.

In order not to destroy the film on the surface, mechanical spraying is not recommended earlier than 7 days after the application of the herbicide.
This herbicide is a remnant of the soil, but it also depends on the local conditions at the time of treatment.
In general, the culture remains clean for at least 6 weeks after application

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Adama
Packaging 20 g
Formulations WG-water dispersible granules
Active Substances Metribuzin
Active Substance Concentration 700 g/kg
Against Bird's-eye speedwell, Chickweed, Common groundsel, Common hemp-nettle, Field sow-thistle, Flower-of-an-hour, Jimsonweed, Knotgrass, Rough cocklebur, Velvet leaf, Wild mustard
Crops Potato, Soybean
Dosage 0.25 - 1.2 kg/ha
Timing of application Preemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, annual monocotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray

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