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Glyphogan 480 SL, 1 litre

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Glyphogan 480 SL, 1 litre Glyphogan 480 SL, 1 litre Glyphogan 480 SL, 1 litre

Glyphogan 480 SL, 1 litre

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Product information

Glyphogan 480 SL is a totally non-selective, non-residual systemic herbicide with action on a wide range of annual and perennial mono and dicotyledonous weeds, including rhizome-resistant species. Applied postemergently, it is quickly absorbed into the plant through the leaf, after which it is transported to the growth tips and to the root, destroying unwanted weeds. Glyphogan 480 SL contains glyphosate from the isopropylamine amine, an active substance with herbicidal action that has a large control spectrum.

- It acts on a wide range of weeds
- It is absorbed very quickly through the leaves, in 4-6 hours
- The results are seen after 7-8 days, when the weeds turn yellow and dry out

Action mode:
- It successfully combats all species of annual and perennial weeds, monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous, as well as semi-woody or woody vegetation.
- Glyphogan 480 SL is applied on the emergent weeds starting from the budding phase, until their flowering, after which it is absorbed very quickly through the leaves (4-6 hours) and translocated in all vital organs: growth tips, to the roots and underground organs of resistance and multiplication.
- Translocation in plants is largely influenced by the vegetation conditions that weeds have. That is, in stressed plants translocation is slow and often incomplete, while in actively growing plants translocation is accelerated.
- From a biochemical point of view, Glyphogan 480 SL inhibits the formation of a specific enzyme which leads to stopping the synthesis of amino aromatic acids. The symptoms of glyphosate are seen after 7-8 days, when the weeds turn yellow and dry out. Because it acts only on green plants in vegetation, it does not affect weeds that have not emerged.
- In order to fully penetrate the plants and thus ensure the best possible control effect, it is necessary not to rain for about 6 hours after treatment.
- The effect of the herbicide is usually found after a period of 4-14 days after application, when the weeds are completely destroyed and decompose. Usually, in this phase, the underground propagation organs are also destroyed, so that the perennial plants cannot be restored.

Methods of application:
- For total herbicide, Glyphogan 480 SL is applied in the phase of intense weed growth.
- It can be used for stubble, uncultivated land or irrigation canals, in a dosage of 3-4 l / ha.
- They are usually treated in summer or earlier in the fall, before the fall frosts. After treatment, the stubble is plowed or discussed after 10 days. The dose is recommended, in a solution volume of maximum 150 liters per hectare.
- For vines or fruit orchards on fruit, the dosage is 3-4 l / ha. The product will be applied in strips on the row of plants, directed under the vines or under the crowns of trees. It is advisable to operate in windless weather, so as not to reach the leaves of the crop plant.
- Prior to treatment, remove all shoots or other growths from the base of the trees.

Glyphogan 480 SL is compatible with the herbicide Galigan 240 EC.

- The rate of absorption in plants is directly proportional to the concentration of the herbicidal solution, so it is recommended to use volumes of solution when applying the product.
- GLYPHOGAN 480 SL can be used about 2 weeks before the harvesting of straw cereals and sunflowers, in order to accelerate the elimination of water from the tissues and the acceleration of the harvest, only for consumer crops.
- The product can be used before sowing, after soil preparation and before sowing crops such as corn and sunflowers. This significantly reduces the reserve of weeds.
- The doses used to treat one hectare of vines or trees will be calculated according to the width of the treated strip (usually 1/3 of the total area is the area actually treated).
- The treated strips will not be mowed or dug within 10 days of treatment.
- It is necessary to protect the crops from any accidental contact. It does not affect fruit trees if the product reaches the mature bark.
- When handling and applying Glyphogan 480 SL herbicide, precautions are minimal because it has low toxicity to humans, animals or the environment, but because it is corrosive, plastic, fiberglass, aluminum and stainless steel containers must be used to prepare and apply the product.

Please be sure to read, understand, and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer, and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment if required and when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Adama
Packaging 1 unit
Formulations SL-soluble concentrate
Active Substances Glyphosate
Active Substance Concentration 360 g/liter
Against Annual bluegrass, Annual mercury, Barnyard grass, Bird's-eye speedwell, Coltsfoot, Common hemp-nettle, Corn buttercup, Creeping thistle, Field bindweed, Field pansy, Field sow-thistle, Goosegrass, Knotgrass, Large crabgrass, Purple dead-nettle, Spear saltbush, Spotted lady's thumb, Wild pea, Yellow foxtail
Crops Apple tree, Apricot tree, Cherry tree, Peach tree, Pear tree, Plum tree, Quince tree, Sour cherries, Vineyard
Timing of application Postemergence, Preemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, annual monocotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous, perennial monocotyledonous
Application Type Ready to Use

Precautionary Statements

P102 Keep out of reach of children
P103 Read label before use
P273 Avoid release to the environment
P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
H302 Harmful if swallowed
H332 Harmful if inhaled.

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