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au summi agro soil disinfectant nemasol 510 25 l - 1, thumbnail

Nemasol 510, 25 liters

Out of stock

au summi agro soil disinfectant nemasol 510 25 l - 1

Nemasol 510, 25 liters

Out of stock

Can be used by
General public / amateur

Product information


NEMASOL is a water miscible soil fumigant and is applied by drenching infected soils. Do not apply it when soil temperature are below 10 C. For optimal efficacy, apply when soil temperatures are between 10 C and 25 C. Sub-optimal efficacy of this product may occur on turf soils due to insufficient water penetration and soils with high organic matter content .

Pre-treatment preparations: Prepare the surface to be treated up to a depth of 40-50 cm and remove undecayed organic matter. Bring soil moisture to field capacity and at least 14 days before application and keep the soil moist up to application time.

Post- treatment procedure: To prevent excessive evaporation, seal treated areas with either follow-up irrigation or plastic sheet. Aerate treated area thoroughly. 2-3 weeks after application by cultivating the soil. Lower soil temperatures and soils with clay and organic matter content will retain more NEMASOL and therefore require a longer waiting period. Ensure  the treated area is ready for use by conducting germination test.

Inject required amount of NEMASOL into the system via a tank mix. Application should be directly from the hydrant using a non-return valve. Ensure injection of NEMASOL occurs over the full irrigation period. Only apply under conditions that ensure even distribution over treated areas. Careful supervision is essential. Keep treated area moist by applying follow-up irrigation for 1 week after treatment. On light soils (<5% clay) where surface sealing with follow-up irrigation is difficult to obtain and suboptimal efficacy may result, the use of plastic sheeting is recommended.
Seedbeds and small surfaces can best be treated by means of watering can. Make seedbeds prior to treatment. Drench the soil thoroughly using one litre of NEMASOL in minimum of 10 litres of water per 10 square meters. Preferably treat the total area to minimise contamination from untreated areas. Adhere strictly to directions for use on soil preparation.
To obtain optimum efficacy, the treated area surface must be sealed to prevent the gas from escaping either by Drench with further irrigation (4-5 mm water/ha). Keep area moist with follow-up irrigation for 1 week after treatment. Cover with a plastic sheet. The cover need not be tainted. Remove cover after 3 days.
Prepare a dam around planting hole (approx. 2m x 2m) with a wall of 10cm in height. Half fill the dam with water and then apply NEMASOL at the rate of 100ml. per square meter over the surface. Fill up immediately to full capacity with water.
Media should be moistened with NEMASOL solution using a watering can whilst mixing continuously. The use of a cement mixer is ideal for this purpose. Cover treated soil with a plastic sheet to prevent gases from escape. Remove cover after 3 days
In Temperature conditions, a safety period of 10-14 days is allowed as in low temperature conditions a safety of 3-4 weeks should be allowed.

• Harmful by ingestion.
• Consumption of alcohol increases toxic effect
• Corrosive liquid, harmful by dermal and oral uptake.
• The product is toxic to aquatic organisms.

• Handle and open container with care
• Do not breathe vapour spray
• Do not smoke, drink or eat while using this product
• Wear eye/face protection. The liquid can damage your eyes.
• Do not inhale . Wear a mask covering nose and mouth. Wear rubber gloves and  boots. The liquid can irritate your skin.
• Use respirator when working in a confined area. Ventilate confined areas thoroughly
during use.
Safety after work: Wash yourself and thoroughly was your work clothes. Do not enter the treated areas until there is no signs of fumes being emitted.
When applying: Do not apply in glass houses with crops, or where fumes may penetrate adjoining premises with growing plants. 

Store in original, tightly closed container away from children, food, drinks and livestock feedstuffs. Store in a cool, dry and well ventilated area under lock and key. Metam sodium is a combustible liquid. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Do not smoke nor store the product above 350C. When heated, metam sodium decomposes to give toxic and flammable fumes. The product crystalines at lower temperatures.
This material and/or its container must be disposed off as hazardous waste. Do not discharge into drains or the environment; dispose to an authorized waste collection point or only in special, controlled high temperature incinerators.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Taminco NV
Packaging 25 litres
Destination use General public / amateur
Formulations Liquid
Active Substances Metam-sodium
Active Substance Concentration 510 g/liter
Against Redroot pigweed
Crops Cucumber, Tomatoes
Dosage 700 l/ha
Timing of application Preemergence
Types of weeds annual, perennial
Application Type Ready to Use

Precautionary Statements

P102 Keep out of reach of children
P103 Read label before use
P273 Avoid release to the environment
P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
H302 Harmful if swallowed
H332 Harmful if inhaled.

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