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au sumitomo bait station xterm above ground station - 1, thumbnail

Bait station Xterm Above Ground Station

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au sumitomo bait station xterm above ground station - 1

Bait station Xterm Above Ground Station

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Product information

Xterm Above Ground Station is a professional product, part of the Xterm Termite Baiting System, that successfully eliminates termites without damaging the natural environment. The in ground station serves as a monitoring station and it can be used as a bait station against any termite activity. It is advisable to install the stations after a rigorous termite inspection has been made. Designed for outdoor use, the station assures superior control over the entire colony conducting to their extinction through the feeding process. The intervals between monitoring can be different as termite behaviour is influenced by a series of factors. Designed to offer complete protection, the product is compatible with bait canisters that provide maximum efficiency over the entire termite colony.

- Professional use only;
- Excellent monitoring and control of a wide variety of termite species;
- Environment friendly;
- Ideal in sensitive areas;
- Versatile mounting on different surfaces;
- Easy installation and monitoring process;
- Compatible with bait canisters of 120 grams;
- Safety system that prevents accidental contamination;
- Children and pet safe if used accordingly.

This product can be used:
- Outdoor use only;
- Ideal for residential buildings, hospitals, food processing plants and commercial buildings, bridges, landscape structures.

How to use:
- Place Xterm In Ground Station in areas where termites harbour such as high moisture areas, around foundations, near trees or wood piles;
- For installation into soil, keep the protective cap sitting flush with the surface;
- In order to prevent soil contamination during installation process, wrap the unit in cardboard;
- Place one bait canister of 120 grams inside product;
- If necessary, lightly spray the canisters with water;
- Place stations in order to maintain a regular interval of 3 meters between;
- Number each station and mark its location on a site map;
- Minimise the open station time;
- For a proper installing and monitoring process make sure to wear latex gloves and to have clean hands;
- Check the stations at regular intervals.

Please be sure to read, understand and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Sumitomo Chemical Agro
Packaging 1 piece
Formulations Plastic
Get rid of Termites
Color Blue
Usage Area Outdoor

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