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au nufarm herbicide kyleo 5 l - 2, thumbnail

Kyleo, 5 liters

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au nufarm herbicide kyleo 5 l - 2

Kyleo, 5 liters

Out of stock

Can be used by
General public / amateur

Product information

A unique product, Kyleo, 5 litres is a highly effective herbicide that combats a full spectrum of weeds in intercrops and orchards. Based on a complex, bi-active compound, the solution eliminates both annual and perennial weeds assuring a rapid and durable clean up. Applied to weeds, they adhere to the surface of the leaf and enter their system. As a result of the high consumption of metabolic resources, intruders cease. Glyphosate is a wide controlling substance that prevents intruders from synthesising certain proteins that are vital for development. As a result, rather than using two different products, Kyleo eliminates resistant weeds that Glyphosate alone may not succeed and creates an easy cropping with less time needed for pre-sowing.

- Active substance: 160 g/L 2,4-D, 240 g/L Glyphosate;
- Colour: Yellow;
- Odourless;
- Formulation: Soluble concentrate;
- Easy-to-use product;
- One application combats target weeds;
- Provides quick process for stubble clean up;
- Reduced pre-sowing intervals;
- Provides long lasting and rapid action;
- Assures a safe environment for intercrops, trees and orchands;
- Controls an extended spectrum of weed species due to the active compounds; 
- Provides growth regulation process in weeds;
- Creates a metabolic disruption resulting in the incapacity of the weeds to develop;
- Volume: 5 Litres;
- Group I herbicide.

Product usage:
- Suits all edible and non-edible crops, grassland, trees and orchards, railway ballast;
- Combats annual and perennial weeds.

- Apply a maximum total dose of 5 L/ha;
- Use a water volume between 100 to 500 L/ha;
- For couch grass apply when it reaches a 3-4 leaf-stage;

For all edible and non-edible crops
- Apply product following the harvestm before sowing;
- Clear straw and spread evenly

For grassland 
- Apply before grazing or regrowth after grazing;
- For renewal treatment and re-sowing grassland apply during July-August.

For green cover on land (not for crops)
- For perennial weeds, allow a minimum of 21 days before applying and 5 before cultivating;
- For annual weeds, allow 24 hours before cultivating.

For trees orchards
- Apply in spring or summer, or after harvest;
- All trees must be established for 3 years minimum;
- Do not apply during flowering;
- Do not aray branches and tree trunks;
- Do not apply at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius;
- Maintain a 30 days pre-harvest interval.

Please be sure to read, understand and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Nufarm
Packaging 5 litres
Destination use General public / amateur
Formulations SL-soluble concentrate
Active Substances Glyphosate
Active Substance Concentration 160 g/liter, 240 g/liter
Against Annual bluegrass, Annual mercury, Barnyard grass, Bermuda grass, Bird's-eye speedwell, Black bindweed, Black nightshade, Black-grass, Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Common fumitory, Common groundsel, Common Hempnettle, Common purslane, Common windgrass, Corn buttercup, Corn chamomile, Corn spurry, Couch grass, Creeping thistle, Field bindweed, Field pansy, Field penny-cress, Field sow-thistle, Flower-of-an-hour, Goosegrass, Henbit dead-nettle, Hoary cress, Ivy-leaved speedwell, Jimsonweed, Johnson grass, Knotgrass, Large crabgrass, Myagrum perfoliatum, Pale persicaria, Purple dead-nettle, Redroot pigweed, Rough cocklebur, Rye brome, Scarlet pimpernel, Shepherd's purse, Spear saltbush, Spotted lady's thumb, Stinging nettle, Velvet leaf, Wild mustard, Wild oat, Wild radish, Yellow foxtail
Crops Apple tree, Apricot tree, Cherry tree, Corn, Pear tree, Plum tree, Sour cherries
Dosage 3-5 l/ha
Timing of application Postemergence, Preemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, annual monocotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous, perennial monocotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray

Precautionary Statements

P102 Keep out of reach of children
P103 Read label before use
P273 Avoid release to the environment
P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
H302 Harmful if swallowed
H332 Harmful if inhaled.

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