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au insect o cutor trap insectomatic edge glueboard unit - 1, thumbnail

Insectomatic Edge (Glueboard Unit)


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au insect o cutor trap insectomatic edge glueboard unit - 1

Insectomatic Edge (Glueboard Unit)

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Product information

Thanks to its patented gluebloard technology, the professional Insectomatic Edge promises to catch significantly more flies and other insects than traditional fly killing glue boards.

The distinctive features of the Insectomatic Edge:
- The glue board has edges which is proven to attract more insects;
- The glue area is 30 % larger than other glue boards;
- The glue area between the two UV tubes is larger, making it more efficient, the overall recorded catching improvement is an impressive 31.5%!

- Usable by both professionals and the general public;
- Safe and effective;
- Simple wall mounting;
- Reusable;
- Ultraviolet light trap;
- Protected Surface: 80 m2;
- Dimensions: 38 x 57 x 11 cm;
- 31.5% more flies than traditional glueboards;
- Independently tested and certified to RoHS and all relevant European Standards;
- Power Source: Grid;
- Weight: 5.3 kg;
- Colour: Grey;
- Material: Metal.

To be used for/with:
- Flies, Food-moths, Night-butterflies;
- Indoor.

- Remove and clean the removable debris tray often;
- Glue boards and UV tubes to be replaced after life-cycle end;
- Disposal to be made according to applicable regulations.

Please be sure to read, understand and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Insect-O-Cutor
Packaging 1 unit
Formulations Metal
Trap type Ultraviolet light
Protected Surface 101 mp +
Color Grey
Get rid of Flies, Moths of Food, Night Butterfly
Reusable Can be
Power Grid
Dimensions 38 x 57 x 11 cm
Usage Area Indoor

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  • 2%
    For orders between AU$300 and AU$700

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    Discount code: NXLAU-4%

  • 7%
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    Discount code: NXLAU-7%

  • None of the discounts are applicable for products in the 'Sprayers-Foggers' and 'Special Units' categories.
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