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au bg sprayer fogger 803 ss concrete sprayer - 1, thumbnail

803 Ss Concrete Sprayer

Out of stock

au bg sprayer fogger 803 ss concrete sprayer - 1

803 Ss Concrete Sprayer

Out of stock

Product information

Strong and efficient, 803 SS Concrete Sprayer is a professional sprayer that includes a series of useful features. Built for narrow spaces, the tool comes in handy every time you need it.

- Durable design;
- Material: stainless steel 304;
- Includes a strong carrying strap;
- Professional grade hose;
- Strong brass valve;
- It includes: Brass cap handle, steel pump rod and brass pump tube;
- 450mm brass wand.

To be used for/with:
- Narrow spaces.

Please be sure to read, understand and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer BG Equipment
Packaging 1 unit
Formulations Metal
Type of Apparatus Sprayers Hand
Apparatus Mobility Hand Carried
Color Grey
Tank Capacity 11 litres
Power Manual

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List of Discounts

  • 2%
    For orders between AU$300 and AU$700

    Discount code: NXLAU-2%

  • 4%
    For orders between AU$700 and AU$1200

    Discount code: NXLAU-4%

  • 7%
    For orders above AU$1201

    Discount code: NXLAU-7%

  • None of the discounts are applicable for products in the 'Sprayers-Foggers' and 'Special Units' categories.
  • It is not possible to accumulate more coupons in your shopping cart.