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au bg sprayer fogger 18 pas 220v standard - 1, thumbnail

18'' Pas 220V Standard

Out of stock

au bg sprayer fogger 18 pas 220v standard - 1

18'' Pas 220V Standard

Out of stock

Product information

Save 90% on the cost of purchasing aerosols in a can and create your own with the Portable Aerosol System. 18'' Pas 220V Standard is a professional foamer which gets the job done.

- Capacity: 3.8L;
- Material: stainless steel;
- Easy to clean;
- Brass and stainless steel gun;
- 250mm self-coiling hose;
- Adjustable liquid pressure;
- Field repairable;
- Cost saving;
- 2 m hose;
- Wide range of applications;
- No service required.

To be used for/with:
- Commercial Kitchens to foaming wall voids for Termites.

- Remove with ease for cleaning;
- Remove from case for spot treatments;
- Adjust liquid pressure from a heavy mist to ULV fog.

Please be sure to read, understand and follow the full Conditions, Disclaimer and Directions for Use. Use the appropriate personal safety equipment when needed.

Additional Information

Manufacturer BG Equipment
Packaging 1 unit
Formulations Metal
Type of Apparatus Sprayers Hand
Apparatus Mobility Self Carried
Color Grey
Tank Capacity 3.8 litres
Power Electric Engine

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List of Discounts

  • 2%
    For orders between AU$300 and AU$700

    Discount code: NXLAU-2%

  • 4%
    For orders between AU$700 and AU$1200

    Discount code: NXLAU-4%

  • 7%
    For orders above AU$1201

    Discount code: NXLAU-7%

  • None of the discounts are applicable for products in the 'Sprayers-Foggers' and 'Special Units' categories.
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