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Ceredin Super SL, 1 liter

Out of stock

au alchimex herbicide ceredin super sl 1 l - 1

Ceredin Super SL, 1 liter

Out of stock

Can be used by
General public / amateur

Product information

The product was withdrawn due to the expiration of the validity of the approval certificate as of 19.12.2016.

Active substance: 300 g / l of 2,4-D acid from SDMA and 100 g / l dicamba

Characteristics: Ceredin Super 40 SL is a selective systemic herbicide with a broad spectrum of action in combating annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds. After treatment, the two active substances in the product's composition are absorbed quickly through the leaves and roots, stopping the growth and development of dicotyledonous weeds, causing them to dry out.

Mode of action and use: Ceredin Super 40 SL is approved for combating annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds from wheat, barley, spring and maize crops by post-emergence treatments. Cultivating crops by overcoming the optimal period shown may result in significant crop yield decreases.

Ceredin Super 40 SL is applied only as terrestrial herbicides in normal volumes of water (250 - 400 l water per hectare) and in a quiet time to avoid spreading on crops and adjacent plots where it can cause phytotoxic effects (R54). It is recommended that the herbicides be made when the temperature is higher than 80 ° C. Depending on the area and the condition of the crop, it can be applied in combination with one of the post-emergence anti-herbicides approved for the same crops, taking into account also the specialized recommendations from the technologies of these cultures regarding the most efficient associations.

Treated plants: Wheat, Barley, Rice, Maize.

Combat weeds: Annual dicotyledonous weeds, perennial dicotyledonous weeds, annual monocotyledonous weeds.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Alchimex
Packaging 1 litre
Destination use General public / amateur
Formulations SL-soluble concentrate
Active Substances Dicamba
Active Substance Concentration 300 g/liter, 100 g/liter
Against Black nightshade, Chickweed, Common groundsel, Cornflower, Creeping thistle, Field penny-cress, Field sow-thistle, Knotgrass, Shepherd's purse, Spear saltbush, Wild mustard, Wild radish
Crops Barley, Corn, Hordeum distichon
Dosage 1 l/ha
Timing of application Postemergence
Types of weeds annual dicotyledonous, annual monocotyledonous, perennial dicotyledonous
Application Type Low pressure spray

Precautionary Statements

P102 Keep out of reach of children
P103 Read label before use
P273 Avoid release to the environment
P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
H302 Harmful if swallowed
H332 Harmful if inhaled.

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