Prevent infestation with Night Butterfly

night butterfly lepidoptera prevent infestation with

If you suspect that your home and its surroundings might be infested by the night butterfly and its caterpillars, you just need to take a close look at your plants. If you notice that your plants have irregular chew bites, then you might be infested. Another thing you might notice if you really are infested is fecal matter left behind on the plants or on the ground (this particular one is hard to be observed by someone who hasn’t studied the night butterfly and its caterpillars before).

night butterfly lepidoptera prevent infestation with

The most important thing you could do in order to avoid the night butterfly from entering your home, is to put mosquito nets on every window and door. The mosquito nets will also help you in keeping away other pests which are attracted to the light inside your house.
In order to make sure that the night butterfly and its pests will be kept away from your house and garden, you can try making your house and garden suitable for its predators: moles, beetles, bats, hedgehogs and hornets. You must keep your garden tidy and clean, watering it when needed. Make sure you plant some tomatoes and celery as they have a strong scent which keeps caterpillars and similar pests away. Also, make sure that your garden is bird friendly as there are several species of birds that feed on caterpillars.
Note that you must take action against the night butterfly and its caterpillars the very first time you see them. Do not wait for too long as the situation might get out of control pretty quick.
Chemicals might also be used in order to get rid of the night butterfly’s caterpillars, you can find more information about this in our next article, How to get rid of the Night Butterfly.

Moth Prevention Tips

Preventing moths in your home or business must always include ways to deny them entry indoors. Once inside moths will lay eggs in dark and rarely disturbed areas such as wardrobes or cupboards, where clothes or other textiles are stored and could be damaged.

  • Use fly screens – or draw curtains at night to prevent moths entering your home through doors and windows
  • Vacuum regularly – ensure hidden areas such as under large furniture or sofas are regularly vacuumed, to try and remove moth eggs before they hatch.
  • Keep stored textiles in sealed bags – if you plan to store textiles for a long period of time, keep them in sealed plastic bags or suitcases to prevent moth’s access to lay eggs.
  • Clean clothes – moths are attracted to dirty or soiled garments, so always clean clothes thoroughly before storing them.

     High Risk Areas For Moth Infestations Include:

  • Underneath beds – especially in little used spare rooms.
  • Infrequently used cupboards, drawers and wardrobes
  • Lofts and Attics – moths can be attracted to bird nests in eaves of homes.

Natural way to prevent moths

  • Lavender: Fill sachets with dried lavender, or dip cotton balls in lavender essential oil. Then, place them in your closets, drawers and boxes of off-season clothes. Lavender smells great to us, but it’s highly repellent to moths and other insects.
  • Mint: Mint leaves are another effective moth repellent. Place a handful of dried peppermint in a sachet, or place loose leaves among your clothes. Peppermint oil works well, too. Just apply a few drops to a cotton ball, and tuck it in the corner of your closet. Add more peppermint oil when the smell starts to wear off. Mint is also good for keeping mice away.
  • Cedar: Cedar wood has long been recognized as a moth repellent, and for good reason – it works. If you’re lucky enough to have a cedar-lined closet or chest, be sure to make use of it. Otherwise, pick up some cedar chips or blocks from the store, and place them wherever they’re needed. You can even buy cedar drawer liners or cedar rings that fit over hangers. Cedar loses its scent (the repellent aspect) over time. To bring the scent back, sand the cedar lightly, or purchase a bottle of cedar oil, and apply it to the wood.
  • Cloves, Thyme and Rosemary: Fill a sachet bag with one or a combination of these four herbs to keep moths at bay for months. While moths don’t like the smell of these herbs, humans sure do. Replace the contents of your sachets every six months, or whenever they begin to lose their fragrance. To save money, buy you herbs from the bulk bins at the grocery store. Most natural food stores have them.