Prevent infestation with Crickets

crickets gryllidae prevent infestation with

Crickets have a cosmopolitan distribution, being found in all parts of the world with the exception of cold regions at latitudes higher than about 55° North and South. They have colonized many large and small islands, sometimes flying over the sea to reach these locations, as they are found in many habitats. Members of several subfamilies are found in the upper tree canopy, in bushes, and among grasses and herbs. They also occur on the ground and in caves, and some are subterranean, excavating shallow or deep burrows. Some make galleries in rotting wood, and certain beach-dwelling species can run and jump over the surface of pools.

crickets gryllidae prevent infestation with

Some crickets are kept as pets, as are considered good luck in some countries; they are also used for fighting, as this is a traditional Chinese pastime, or they can also be used as food, in countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, where crickets are commonly eaten as a snack, prepared by deep frying the soaked and cleaned insects.
Crickets are, however, considered pests, as they are an occasional invader that can become a general nuisance pest and cause considerable damage when they invade a home. Cricket chirping is an annoyance to many home owners and may create many sleepless nights. They are considered pests for a variety of other reasons. They sometimes find their way into homes, becoming a nuisance between their loud chirping and tendency to attack clothing and other fabrics throughout the house. In agriculture, crickets can be destructive. They eat crops and seeds, causing severe economic implications if not controlled.

Like millipedes and centipedes, crickets are considered to be only occasional invaders of homes and other buildings. That is because they prefer to live outdoors and don’t survive well or breed indoors. However, they will enter structures in search of shelter if the weather gets bad, or if they just accidentally happen to hop through an open door, window, or other opening.
Crickets shelter inside houses because it is an unlimited source of food and chances to meet a predator are usually small. Being omnivores, crickets will eat even decaying plants and insects, will consume seeds, fungi, wood and fabrics. They are attracted to warmth and are often attracted to the vicinity of the fireplace, kitchen, furnace, water heater, or basement, as they also like moist, dark places. They conceal themselves in cracks and crevices, such as behind baseboards, and may burrow into the mortar in walls.

Just a cricket or two will not cause much damage, but high populations can become concerning due to their chewing habits.
The easiest method for avoiding cricket infestations within your home is to prevent them from ever entering your house by sealing your windows and doors. They’re able to get through the smallest cracks, so make sure you check carefully for areas where they might be able to come in or build a nest.

Preventing crickets from your home or yard

  • Eliminate tiny crevices by caulking windows and cracks in your walls;
  • Create a seal on the bottom of your doors that prevents crickets from squeezing under them;
  • Make sure your vents have screens, so that the crickets cannot pass through;
  • Seal your trash cans, as the smell of trash attracts crickets;
  • Inside the home, reduce clutter, piles, etc. to reduce potential harbourage and hiding areas;
  • Cut back vegetation in your yard, as crickets build nests in tall grass;
  • Place wood piles, mulch piles, and compost piles well away from your house;
  • Remove bright lights as crickets are attracted to it; draw your blinds and shades at night so the bright glow from your house won’t attract crickets and use lower-light “bug lights” or amber LED lights for your yard;
  • Check your drains and roof gutters for leaves and other plant debris that might have piled up, as crickets often nest in such areas.

Fortunately, in very few cases crickets manage lay eggs that could withstand inside the house. Usually crickets die in autumn or early winter, and there are several methods that ensure you will not have surviving crickets around. Dry damp areas with a fan or dehumidifier, as this is particularly effective for camel crickets because they prefer such moist habitats.
Should you want to use a natural way of preventing crickets form approaching your house, you can allow natural predators to thrive around your house. Lizards and spiders are the natural predators of crickets, so by avoiding to use aerosol insecticide onto your property, spiders will be able to hunt the crickets down. Cats and bird are also found amongst the cricket predators list, so by letting your cat outside or installing a bird feeder you can find a natural way of keeping your home cricket free.

If non-chemical methods are not enough to keep the crickets away, you can use insecticides (especially if you notice that an increasing number of crickets continue to appear into your home). Make sure the product you are going to use is indicated for use around buildings. Apply it as a band around the foundation and the ground, as it will create a block for crickets that want to approach your home. More details regarding ways in which you can eradicate crickets, if you are dealing with an infestation, you will find in our relevant article “How to get rid of cricket infestation“. However, keep in mind that even after you manage to eliminate this nuisance from your home, other generations might arise, so preventive methods are to be applied at all time.

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