Prevent infestation with Bees

bees anthophila prevent infestation with

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the European honey bee, for producing honey and beeswax. are small, flying insects; they belong to the order Hymenoptera, but can be grouped into as many as 20,000 known species and 7 recognised families. They are not as dangerous as wasps or ants. On the contrary, bees can be considered quite beneficial, whether its regarding their pollination of flowers, or their production of honey, beeswax or propolis.
However, when feeling threatened, the bees can sting, and this type of attack from their side can be quite dangerous, especially for an allergic person.
Preventing a bee infestation is important for your well being and health, but for that of the bees as well. As with all pests, the most important thing is not to allow you residence to become an attractive place of dwelling for them.

bees anthophila prevent infestation with

Ways of preventing bee infestation

In order to prevent bees from forming a colony, you need to remove attractive odours, such as honey or pheromones left behind by a previous bee colony. You can do this through pressure cleaning. Should previous colonies been created in the walls of your house, you can fill any hollow place with newspaper and expendable foam, or if it’s the case of trees, you can also use a stainless wire mesh.
Seal all porous openings to your house, such as foundation cracks, window crevices, wall crevices in general, and particularly the crevices surrounding the utility lines that enter your house walls. Also make sure all vents are secured, and also the chimney has a cap properly installed.

Trim the trees around your house so that they do not touch the roof. This will also reduce the amount of flowers and fruit they produce, so there will be a smaller possibility they will attract bees. Also, depending of the type of bees, you can find them creating their nests in wood by boring holes through it; carpenter bees prefer unpainted and otherwise unfinished wood.  Signs of their existence is fine sawdust around your wood. Should this to be the case, cover your outside wood with a weather-resistant tarp and make sure it is stored over bricks, not touching the ground.
Around your garden, make sure you plant less fragrant flowers. Avoid any flower with “bee” in its name, and make sure you keep your garden as plain as possible. As well as the tree trimming, planting less fragrant flowers will reduce the pollination produces, so this will lead to a less productive garden.
Remove all sources of potential food from around your yard, take out the trash, make sure it is at all time secured with a lid and frequently clean out the trash cans. Should you need to bring food outside, avoid generally sweet foods, such as ice cream, soda, fruits, juice, and minimize open food containers as much as you can when you are outside.
It has been also shown that honey bees often build their hives near sources of water. Therefore, drain out any stagnant water that has accumulated in and around your house, as the bees will remain without water supply, and it will be easier for them to relocate, in search for a less hostile environment.

Some odor related factors that keep bees at bay are the fact they do not like the fresh smell of paint. So by keeping a clean and frequently paint-refreshed house, you will manage to keep the bees away. They also do not like smoke, so by gathering dry leaves, scrap paper, and anything else that creates a lot of smoke when burned you can do a cleanse of your yard once a week. The smoke will not let bees stay wherever it reaches, and what is great is that smoke reaches almost everywhere, so this is a very effective solution.
Another smell bees hate is that of moth balls, so this is a very effective way of driving the bees away. Place some moth balls in the places where you’ve seen bees gathering and this should keep them far enough so that they cannot build a nest and develop a colony. Some other strong smells that repulse bees are garlic powder, citronella candles, and cucumber peels. If you use any of these particularly close to the hive, make sure to replace them as the scent wears off, and you might actually be successful in convincing the bees to move on and not develop a colony there.

Should you see a small hive developing, remove it before it becomes larger and harder to be dealt with. However, be careful when doing this. Use protective gear for yourself, and make sure others are out of harm’s way, as once you disturb the bees from their nest, they will have the tendency to attack. Keep in mind that bees are mainly inactive at night, so you have a better chance then of getting rid of the bees, but do not do this yourselves if you are allergic to them.

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