Bigger than the German and Oriental one, the American cockroach is also attracted to darkness and humidity. They climb the piping, coming from the basement or sewers and appear especially in old building apartments and houses with sewer manholes in their yard.
These sewer pests, also known as American roaches, are often seen in moist environments and places with high humidity. As they can enter a residence by squeezing through cracks and under doors or through sewer holes, they can easily infest a household. They feed on decomposing or altered materials, which produce bacteria and viruses, so if such a cockroach manages to enter a building, it can effortlessly spread disease among its residents.
Always keep the food in closed vessels, or better yet, in the refrigerator or freezer. If you are able to use a dehumidifier in order to decrease the level of humidity, as this can reduce the chances of cockroaches appearing, as they are usually attracted by humid environments.
It is also recommended to block their access by filling up the existing cracks or any other pathways such as pipe holes, manholes, windows and doors. Other common entryways for cockroaches are through sewer connections, plumbing installations, air ducts or other openings in the foundation, their bodies being flat enough for them to be able to use even the space under doors if the weather stripping is damaged; more easily, they can use open basement windows and garage doors.
Preventive measures around the house
- covering any cracks and crevices that the cockroaches may use, placing mesh screens over windows and vents, and ensuring that all doors and windows fit securely inside their frames;
- cleaning up any spills or messes that may become a source of food for the cockroaches;
- thoroughly checking anything brought inside the house, as eggs and adult insects can be hidden inside furniture, boxes, suitcases, grocery bags, etc.;
- removing rotting leaves from window wells and gutters;
- discarding old cardboard boxes or piles of paper from inside or around the house;
- using a tight lid on your trash can and moving the garbage from any moist locations;
- ensuring that you do not leave pet food out during the night, as cockroaches are known to be drawn to it;
- using the kitchen and bathrooms drains regularly so as to prevent cockroaches from being able to climb up through them and into your home;
- ventilating moist spaces so as to reduce the humidity.
As with all types of cockroaches, preventing an infestation with the American cockroaches can be achieved by maintaining a constant level of sanitation, especially focusing on the kitchen and bathroom area. By doing this you can lower the risk of infestation of your household. Keeping a regular cleaning schedule stands at the core of all preventive actions one can take. By lacking a water and food supply, the roaches will find a more suitable place to inhabit, making it easier to exterminate any existing population.
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