Our visit at Parasitec Paris, 2021

Parasitec Paris 2021

On November 17-19, 2021, Paris is home to the Parasitec 2021 exhibition. Representatives of 30 countries are gathered at this year’s exhibition, with laboratories, formulators and specialized manufacturers presenting their latest developments in pest control technologies.

Parasitec Paris 2021

The gathering will showcase around 100 exhibitors, bringing forth new items of the industry, as well as developing a series of conferences on different themes connected to the pest control industry.

Disinfection and disinfection products, the carriage of pathogens by rodents, canine use for detection of certain pests, are only some themes discussed at this year’s series of conferences. During the three days, Parasitec 2021 is taking place, manufacturers will also touch on key issues, such as the genetic monitoring of bed bugs and their insecticide resistance.

Suppliers of Nexles found at Parasitec Paris, 2021

Most of the suppliers Nexles collaborates with have stands his year at Parasitec 2021, presenting their latest products developments in pest control. Below you can find some details regarding these companies, and pictures marking their presence at this event.


Bayer AG is a German multinational, chemical, pharmaceutical, and life sciences company. Being first known for the development of aspirin, Bayer has grown throughout the years and expanded its research in the industry of pest control as well. The Bayer CropScience part of the company has developed crop protection products such as pesticides, alongside other means of non-agricultural pest control, as it produces various fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and some crop varieties.

Bayer Parasitec 2021 Bayer Parasitec 2021 2 Bayer Parasitec 2021 3

PelGar International

PelGar International is a company meant to develop and supply innovative products to the pesticide market. They focus on rodenticide and insecticide products, using active substances that are available in a wide range of formulations, managing to provide cost-effective control methods. Their products aim to maximize the efficacy against the targeted pest, whilst using methods in which to minimize any risk again the environment, non-targeted species, and most importantly, any risk to the user.

PelGar Parasitec 2021


Part of the AP&G company, CatchMaster is a brand introduced in order to focus on developing adhesives for pest management applications. Being a leading manufacturer of rodent traps, but also fly and insect management, AP&G has developed the CatchMaster brand with a green initiative, as they offer a full range of no-to-low toxicity products. With no poisons, no toxins, and no harsh chemicals the CatchMaster traps can be used in any pest management program.

Catchmaster Parasitec 2021


Syngenta is a Swiss biotechnology company, focused on producing pesticides, seeds, and flowers. It has five product lines for pesticides, more exactly herbicides, non-selective herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and seed care, and also three product lines that focus on the development of corn, soya, and other field crops vegetables. They focus not only on-farm pest control, but also on residential and commercial ones, developing a broad portfolio of products that match any need, in any situation.

Syngenta Parasitec 2021


BASF is a German chemical company with subsidiaries in over 80 countries in the world. It currently produces a wide range of chemicals such as solvents, amines, resins, glues, or electronic-grade chemicals, but they also place great emphasis on the production of fertilizers and pesticides. This latter division produces fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides. Investing in the research and development of new products each year, BASF Urban and Rural Pest Control delivers smart solutions for pest management professionals.

Basf Parasitec 2021 Basf Parasitec 2021 2


Vectornate is a company established in 1990, in South Korea, by GJ Yeom, an engineer specializing in molecular technology. Initially focusing on manufacturing tools and household appliances, including vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and refrigerators under the Samsung brand, the company then shifted its focus on creating fogging equipment, especially one focused on using ULV technology. In 2005, GJ Yeom began to develop and patent the first spray nozzles that use ULV. Vectorfog then appeared as a division of Vectornate and was established in the UK in 2009, while starting to supply fogging equipment and pest control supplies.

Vectorfog Parasitec 2021

Bell Laboratories

Dealing with rodent control products and ways in which to fight rats and mice, Bell Laboratories produces the highest quality rodenticides, tamper-resistant bait stations, glue boards, attractants, and traps. As they have a wide range of products developed and produced through innovation, they have become a market leader in the pest control industry.

Bell Labs Parasitec 2021 Bell Labs Parasitec 2021 2

Spray Team

Spray Team is specialized in the production of atomizers and sprayers for urban disinfestation and disinfection, and the treatment of private and public green areas.
Established in 1995, Spray Team is based on the desire for improvement of a group of individuals working in the phytopharmaceutical industry. This industry, of plant protection products, and their experience of over 20 years, led to the realization that there is a need for the development of atomizers and sprayers. With time, they have managed to develop and sell equipment and machines used for urban disinfestation and disinfection, and also for the treatment of private and public green and other such areas.
Their products can be used in health and environment, agriculture, and fire fighting, as they have developed lines for all these types of products, from towed atomizers, foggers, thermo-mist generators, and other such items relevant to the industry.

Spray Team Parasitec 2021


Kwizda is an Austrian established group, involved in crop protection and fertilizers across Europe. Through their Kwizda Biocides branch, they have developed products meant to preserve the environment while also dealing with plant protection and pest control.
One of their brands is Dobol, which has been developed as several types of pest control products. The most known are fumigators, micro granules, gel bait for cockroaches and ants, and aerosols.

Dobol Parasitec 2021

SM Bure Co. LTD

SM BURE Co.,Ltd. has been investing in the field of sterilizers and sprayers and became one of the world’s top suppliers of such equipment. Their technology has developed for the past 20 years until they have become recognized as the leading supplier of sterilizers and sprayers in Korea.

SM Bure Parasitec 2021


Plastdiversity is a Portuguese industrial company specialized in the development, manufacture, and marketing of plastic articles in the pest control, agro-garden, and household products markets. With more than 20 years of existence, the company currently exports its products to over 80 countries, with pest control products represented by their brand Kyzone.

Plast Diversity Parasitec 2021 Plast Diversity Parasitec 2021

Here at Nexles

We are thrilled to have the opportunity of presenting products from many of the suppliers mentioned above. We strive to cover all the needs of our customers as well, by taking part in events such as Parasitec Paris, 2018. As we keep up to date with the latest technology, products, and innovations in the industry of pest control, our clients have the opportunity to use the best products on the market and also receive expert support.

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