Termites are insects that belong to the order Blattodea, the same as cockroaches, but pertain to the infraorder Isoptera. Out of all the pests that infest homes, ranging from other species of insects to different species of rodents, termites are considered to be the most dangerous, because they are the only ones that can actually destroy the foundation of a house in only a few years. Not only that, but no house is safe from termites, be it an old one or a new one. All of them provide, in some measure or another, the food that termites thrive on: cellulose-based material. Whether it is your house that is built out of wood, or you simply have a library with a large number of old books in it, termites will find a way to reach the food they need. The thing that should worry you the most is the fact that it can take up to 5 years for the damage caused by an infestation with termites to become noticeable.
How to detect infestation
Detecting a termite infestation early on is the key to its successful removal. An inspection must be very thorough, because, up to the first five years of infestation, there may not be many obvious signs of the destruction that the termites have caused; as most of the times, you will not even know they are there. Still, here are a couple of signs that may indicate an infestation:
- sagging floors;
- holes in woodwork;
- hollow spots in the foundation;
- paint that has bubbled or cracked;
- termite droppings, which are wood coloured;
- discarded termite wings;
- termite nests, which are basically intricate systems of tunnels and tubes and can be found in the mud (in case of a subterranean infestation) or in the wood itself (in case of a drywood infestation).
Sometimes, of course, you may be lucky enough to spot the termites themselves; this usually happens in spring, when winged termites try to escape through doors and windows.
Keeping these things in mind, also check the basement to closely examine crawlspaces and foundation or support beams, wall boards and pillars. You can take a flashlight and a screwdriver with you and start tapping on the wood. The hollow sound that you may hear while tapping the wood is a sign that termite tunnels are already dug, and the wood is compromised. If the wood gives way easily, in some cases even falls apart, that is a sure sign that you have a termite infestation to worry about.
Remove food and shelter sources
To make sure the infestation does not spread, try applying some prevention measures. You can do this by removing the food and shelter that the termites are attracted to. This way, future termites will not find your property appealing, and the current ones will also dislike the environment, if it does not provide the right food and shelter they are seeking.
As these insects love damp places, you should try to maintain a relatively dry environment inside your house. Make sure there are no leaks both inside and outside of your home, and install fans to ensure that you have good air circulation throughout the house, especially in bathrooms.
Although it is nearly impossible to control the humidity levels outdoors, what you can do is make sure that there are no indentations in the ground where rainwater may pool, as well as remove any mulch from around the house. Mulch is one of their biggest attractors, so make sure you do not offer them the chance to enjoy the environment they love. Also seal any cracks and crevices that termites might use to invite themselves indoors, paying special attention to the spaces where doors and windows meet walls, as well as where electrical wiring and pipes enter your home.
Place screens on doors and windows and keep wood (be that firewood, tree branches, tree trunks, etc.) off your property or, at the very least, away from the house. If you cannot do this, be sure to cover it completely and keep it dry and also clean any debris from your garden, be it lumber, plant, or even paper. Clean your gutter system regularly and maintain bushes and shrubs cleanly cut.
Establish the type of termites
After establishing that you are dealing with an infestation, the first step that you must take, before you engage in any activity, is to determine the type of termite that has infested your property. There are five main species of termites that you may find indoors (conehead, dampwood, drywood, formosan, and subterranean), out of which the most common ones are:
- subterranean, which can be found in both the soil of your yard or garden and in the wood of your home; they mostly live in warm, coastal regions, needing moisture to survive, but they are the ones that generally cause the most damage to a house, and usually need different, more aggressive treatment methods;
- drywood, which can be found solely in wood, surviving on little moisture and thriving in all environments.
Once you have established this, you can begin to do prepare the proper methods of removal.
Natural control methods
As is the case with almost all infestations, the easiest method you can employ is trapping the pests. With termites, you can easily create a cardboard trap. Simply wet a couple of flat strips of cardboard and lay them on the ground, stacked on top of each other. Be sure to do this in an area where you have sighted termites or one where they are most likely to be; your best bet is almost always going to be the basement. Because termites feed on cellulose, they will be attracted to the cardboard and rapidly infest it; once this is done, simply take it out to a safe area and burn it. Repeat the process as many times as necessary, and combine it with other methods as well, as just this type of trap will not remove all the termites, especially if you are dealing with a big infestation.
Another easy way of dealing away with termites is by exposing them to sunlight. Because termites thrive in dark spaces, the heat and light from the sun will kill them. Obviously, this will not be effective in the case of termites that have infested the foundation of your house, but, if you have a wooden item or a wooden piece of furniture that appears to be infested, taking it out of the house and leaving it out in bright sunlight for about 2-3 days will kill the termites inside. Otherwise, if you live in a rainy area, if possible, you can freeze the wooden item for the same amount of time, for the same effect.
In the case of drywood termites, you can also drill holes in the infested wood and pour orange oil inside; this will kill the pests, either through direct contact, or through starvation, seeing as it prevents them from feeding on the wood. You should be careful when using this, however, because many people are allergic to it themselves.
In terms of biological control, you can try beneficial nematodes, which you can easily find online or in most local garden supply stores. These are small, unsegmented worms that are natural parasites to a number of garden pests, including termites. They will actively search for hosts, which in this case are termite larvae, infest them by burrowing inside them, and cause death in as little time as 24 hours. Currently, there are 5 varieties that you can choose from. If you plan on using these in the garden, be sure to plant them in the early morning or in the evening, after sunset, seeing as UV light will harm them, thus reducing their efficiency. Also, if you do not plan on using the nematodes immediately following purchase, be sure to store them in a refrigerator.
Using non-edible building materials are also a solution, when building a new house. Try to use as little wood as possible, and if it is necessary, treat the wood beforehand against termites, and use the types that are less desirable to them, such as juniper, cedar, or redwood. As termites also struggle to move through sandy soil, you can create a barrier around your house, especially around the foundation.
Using essential oils can also do the trick, if you are dealing with a smaller infestation. Clove bud oil and vetiver oil are the most used, and by treating the surface of the wood you have in your house with these oils, you will provide direct protection against termites.
Should you be dealing with subterranean termites, you can flood the soil where their colony is. Identify the infested region, by checking for small mud-tubes created in the ground, and flood it, as termites are not able to swim, and will quickly drown.
Chemical control methods
Permethrin dust is a chemical that gives immediate results and also remains effective for a longer period of time. You can add 1 tablespoon of permethrin to 3-4L of paint, wood polish, or wallpaper glue when doing any sort of reparation around the house, and this will be more than enough to keep termites away permanently, at least from that one area. Using the same principle, you can even add permethrin to the cement you use to lay flooring and the glue you use to lay wooden flooring, as it will also keep the termites away.
Boric acid can also be used as an effective control method against termites. Being the main insecticide used against termites, it is an eco-friendly solution, and is mostly found in powder form. When used against termites, it usually needs to be mixed with propylene glycol before being applied to the treated wood. You can also use it as it is, in its powder form, and sprinkle it in the affected places. It will work by means of shutting down the insect’s nervous system, dehydrating it, as a result, killing it. However, because the only way that it can achieve this is through direct contact with the termite, it should be placed strategically in all the places where you might have seen termites or where you are sure they live. It can be used both indoors and outdoors, and one of the easiest ‘traps’ you can create is by evenly coating a piece of wood, cardboard, or any other material that contains cellulose, with it. Be sure to check these places regularly and replenish the boric acid as needed.
Although the above methods are not recommended to be used in isolation when dealing with a large infestation, and may not be 100% effective even when it comes to a small one, they are very good methods to be used in conjunction with more aggressive ones, taking into consideration that this is the way you will bring about the fastest, most effective results.
The use of arsenic dust is another effective solution. This kills all members of a colony even if only a couple come in direct contact with it, due to the fact that as they interact with others, infested termites pass on arsenic trioxide to the others in their colony. Because of its high toxicity, however, this is a chemical that may be available only to professionals, depending on where you live.
Spraying concentrated insecticides for Termites control:
Concentrated insecticides are the most common used products in fighting insect infestations. They provide the safety that any insect coming into contact with the treated surfaces dies shortly.
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You can also use insecticide foams and insecticides in a liquid or aerosol form. Either by inserting the foam inside cracks and crevices, or using the aerosol insecticides or liquid ones and spraying them onto affected surfaces, all these are great choices for quickly treating an infestation.
Sprayers used for Termites control:
The equipment needed for a professional Pest Control Operator depends on the type of pest the treatment is made against, and if the treated surface is indoors or outdoors. Sprayers help in applying products meant to reach difficult places, as well as guaranteeing an economic control of the treatment application.
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Garden Star
Regular Price: €99.07
€84.2- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Profi Star 5L
Regular Price: €204.76
€184.28- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €204.06
€173.45- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Spray-Matic 20 S
€1,121.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Spray-Matic 5P
Regular Price: €228.13
€205.32- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€28.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
425 Classic
€183.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
425 Comfort
€215.89- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
453 Trolley
€80.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
€188.88- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
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€2.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Tech 10 with Manometer
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Tech 12
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Micronizer HOOD M3000
€125.2- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M10V
€99.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer M2000
Regular Price: €117.7
€94.16- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
3615G Inox
€405.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3552 RS125
Regular Price: €169.61
€144.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 12 litres
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3232R Flori
€46.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
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3237P Primer
€62.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
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3270P Profi Plus
€150.8- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3541G Stabilus
€369.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 18 litres
Tank Capacity:
435 Classic
€189.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
475 Comfort
€222.38- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
Hobby Star 5
Regular Price: €68.57
€65.14- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Super Star 1.25-360
€32.08- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foxy Plus
€10.21- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
DR 5
Regular Price: €212.5
€201.87- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3270FO Foamer
€156.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132FO Foamer
€27.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5E
Regular Price: €334.01
€250.51- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5P
Regular Price: €334.01
€250.51- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132PG Universal Plus
Regular Price: €19.52
€15.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
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3132Gr Bugsi 360
€18.6- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Vario Gun
€64.34- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
424 Nova
€118.54- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 16 litres
Tank Capacity:
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3595F Inox Plus
€353.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
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Spray-Matic 5 S
€616.27- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Maxi 1.0
€89.87- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M5V35
€114.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Bobby 0.5
€38.57- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
N152-CC-18 EXT/BAN
€439.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
€399.84- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
€27.13- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €365.69
€329.12- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €343.58
€292.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €549.68
€439.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 7.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €388.68
€349.81- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €573.1
€458.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €434.37
€347.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
301 B Cleaner
€19.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 A Cleaner
€89.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 B Cleaner
€89.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Accu Star 8
Regular Price: €180.11
€162.1- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
Astro 5
€110.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€10.59- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Volpitech 7 Proton
Regular Price: €118.88
€101.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201
€18.64- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201 C
€23.93- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 C
€25.03- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 CL
€27.2- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 260
€40.59- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 211
€35.87- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 256
€69.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 257
€75.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 30 days
Manual Sprayer Solo 258
€79.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 A Cleaner
€24.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 B Cleaner
€24.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 A Cleaner
€25.38- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 B Cleaner
€25.16- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 212
€39.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer VolpiTech 621
Regular Price: €47.48
€37.98- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Birchmeier Profi Star 3
€288.24- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 333 FA Vario Foam
€68.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Tech 3
€14.66- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Super McProper Plus
€17.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
Handheld Sprayer B&G AccuSpray Elite 4W Crack & Crevice
€204.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dustinator 500
€6.45- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Ghilotina
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Rose Star 1.25 Manual Sprayer
€38.51- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Grill Star 0.5 Manual Sprayer
€11.47- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Naturlution Manual Sprayer
€7.63- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Garden Star 3 Manual Sprayer
€86.14- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 3 litres
Tank Capacity:
Mist Blowers used for Termites control:
Mist blowers are also useful for treatment application, as they use a very low volume application rate per unit area / space, that guarantees economic control of pests.
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EVO 35
€1,686.94- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 6.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
EVO W 35
€1,686.94- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 6.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
EVO 35 E
€1,989.68- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 6.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
EVO W 35 L
€1,963.02- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 6.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 160 HD
€12,863.42- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-F 160 HD
€14,596.06- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 160 HD
€10,420.59- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 160 HD/E
€11,458.27- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 160 HD/L
€12,812.02- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 160 HD/E-L
€13,777.34- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF F 160/150 HD
€22,754.7- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
TF 34
€2,022.05- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 34 E
€2,330.5- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 34 E-FT
€2,233.39- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
TF 35
€1,945.89- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 10 days
TF 35/10
€2,134.38- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 35 E-FT
€2,084.88- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 35 E
€2,181.98- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
TF-W 35
€1,945.89- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 35 L
€2,067.74- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 65 / 20E
€4,748.58- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 65/20 E
€4,727.63- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 65/20 EL
€5,036.08- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 95 HD
€6,467.89- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF 95 HD/E
€6,243.22- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-F 95 HD
€8,832.66- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 95 HD
€6,085.18- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 95 HD/E
€6,231.79- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 95 HD/L
€7,090.5- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
€9,158.24- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 60
€3,434.82- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF W 60/10
€3,695.66- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 60 E
€3,665.2- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 60 L
€3,617.6- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
U-15 HD-M
€11,972.35- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
U-15 HD-MS
€12,513.09- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
U-15 E
€11,922.85- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
U-15 E/1
€12,667.31- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
U-15 E/3
€13,901.1- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
U-15 E/5
€14,695.07- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 59 days
U-40 HD-M
€20,125.28- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 59 days
U-40 HD-M/A
€21,863.63- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
U-5M Smart Fogging
€5,624.42- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
€4,200.22- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
€4,963.73- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
UNIPRO 5 Timer
€5,552.06- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
€6,900.1- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
€725.42- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
€900.59- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
BY100 Mini - Propane
Regular Price: €272.21
€245- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- SM Bure
- 2.8 litres
Tank Capacity:
€652.63- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- VectorFog
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
€681.47- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- VectorFog
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
€503.04- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- VectorFog
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Angae Fog 2.5
Regular Price: €424.9
€382.41- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- SM Bure
- 2.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Angae Fog 4.5
Regular Price: €489.54
€440.59- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- SM Bure
- 4.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€478.67- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- SM Bure
- 3 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Derby 3.0
€6,442.66- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 24 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Derby 5.5
€7,868.28- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 24 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Elite Line
€35,783.3- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Foggy ST 75 trolley
€5,402.6- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 9 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
CF 1
€1,864.02- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
CF 1-P
€3,423.17- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
Dispatch in 20 days
€4,015.54- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Flex-a-Lite 2600-18''
€542.58- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Flex-a-Lite 2600-48''
€560.07- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
Unipro 40-T
€24,803.41- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
Dispatch in 29 days
Generator for Tractor Wind 330 Flex
€10,818.29- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Generator for Tractor Wind 640 Flex
€14,537.04- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Boxer 21S-400 Diesel
€28,036.4- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Boxer 42S-600 Diesel
€46,358.83- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Elite 21S-300 Diesel
€32,116.91- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Scout 34S-400 Diesel
€33,048.68- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Dolly 120 L Battery
€18,045.16- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Dolly 120 A Battery
€8,970.22- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Dolly 120 A Electric
€8,982.12- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Mini Trolley Battery
€2,153.9- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 9 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
€1,617.21- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 3.8 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
€1,812.61- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 6.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Scout 21S-300
€28,417.2- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Scout 300 Battery 48V
€49,022.05- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 300 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 34
€1,660.56- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5.7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
€1,900.19- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 6.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
€4,864.72- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 20 days
CF 1 Timer
€1,785.24- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
TF-W 160/150 HD
€20,498.46- Thermal Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Igeba
- over 30 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 6 days
Hurricane ES
€681.06- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Dynafog
- 3.8 litres
Tank Capacity:
DC20 Plus
€1,436.02- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- VectorFog
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
ULV Generator Clarifog Plus
Regular Price: €2,420.86
€1,936.69- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Ghilotina
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
ULV Generator Clarifog
Regular Price: €1,614.68
€1,291.75- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Ghilotina
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Copper Head
Regular Price: €682.14
€545.71- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Createch USA
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Commander Tri-Jet
Regular Price: €613.92
€491.14- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Createch USA
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Elite 300, 48V Battery
€51,803.08- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 300 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 29 days
Trolley Mini ULV
€2,253.86- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 9 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Birchmeier AS 1200 AC1
€2,053.24- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
Dispatch in 14 days
VectorFog C10
€428.4- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- VectorFog
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
VectorFog DC10 PLUS
€685.44- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- VectorFog
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 30 days
Elite 12S-300, Petrol
€22,836.1- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 300 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 30 days
Scout 14S-300, Diesel
€26,032.44- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 300 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 30 days
Elite 25S-400, Petrol
€26,775- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Spray Team
- 400 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Geyser Nebulizer E-25 MI, 21 V, 25 liters
Regular Price: €312.97
€219.08- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Stocker
- 25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Geyser Nebulizer 12 V, 12 liters
Regular Price: €301.07
€210.75- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Stocker
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Geyser Nebulizer, 12 V, 4 liters
Regular Price: €221.34
€154.94- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Stocker
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Geyser Nebulizer Mini, 3.6 V, 2 liters
Regular Price: €45.82
€32.07- Cold Foggers
Type of Apparatus:
- Stocker
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Keep in mind that reapplying these control methods every so often is very important, as you do not want to risk it and have to deal again with an infestation. It is better to also use preventive methods, and apply treatments to your house, especially if it is mostly built out of wood. For more preventive methods, you can check our article about ways in which you can ‘Prevent infestation with Termites’. Build a protective barrier around it and make sure you also regularly treat the wooden furniture around your house. Keep your yard clear of wooden debris and make sure you are ready to act at the smallest sign of infestation.
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