How to get rid of Snakes

snakes serpentes how to get rid of

Snakes are elongated, limbless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. So far, more than 20 snake families are known and they include about 500 genera and 3400 species. Their size can vary from very small (10 centimetres) to very large (9 metres) and can be venomous or non-venomous. Snakes are widespread in most temperate areas of the globe. 

snakes serpentes how to get rid of

Signs of a snake infestation

– The skin left by them after the moulting process;
– Finding nests with eggs;
– Observation of faeces – their remains are usually liquid and white;
– Snakes take refuge in hidden places, protected from the cold, such as: sheds, piles of wood or rocks, boxes, ponds, areas with high vegetation.

Prevention is key! Thus, the best thing that you can do to prevent the appearance of snakes, is to regularly mow the lawn and bushes, combat unwanted vegetation, clear the land of stored materials, and piles of wood/stones, in which snakes can easily shelter and especially, sealing cracks in the walls of buildings that can represent the access ways of the reptiles inside the house. 

In addition, the elimination/removal of food sources, represented by rodents, frogs, fish, insects, matches/slugs or small animals, is also indicated.

Controlling Methods

For the removal of snakes, it is recommended to use adhesive traps or repellents.

Adhesive traps work perfectly fine indoors, but can also be placed outdoors if used in conjunction with a poisoning station. The repellents will be used outdoors and have the role of forming a barrier of rejection due to the irritating smell. 

Adhesive snake traps

Adhesive traps trap on the adhesive surface the reptiles that cross the area of action of the trap. The traps are placed as close as possible to the areas where the presence of snakes was detected, in order to attract them as quickly as possible. They can be placed in sheltered places, near walls or in corners, after furniture, in the basement, garage, car, etc. 

Types of adhesive traps that we recommend:

  • catchmaster trap 24grb - 1, small


    Regular Price: €10.78



    • CatchMaster

      Get rid of:

    • Rats,
    • Snakes

      Trap type:

    • Glue
  • eu catchmaster trap 60rb - 5, small


    Regular Price: €4.51



    • CatchMaster

      Get rid of:

    • Mice,
    • Rats,
    • Snakes

      Trap type:

    • Glue
  • catchmaster trap 72tc - 1, small




    • CatchMaster

      Get rid of:

    • Bats,
    • Cockroaches American,
    • Cockroaches German,
    • 7 more

      Trap type:

    • Glue
  • eu catchmaster trap 72xl - 4, small


    Regular Price: €2.09



    • CatchMaster

      Get rid of:

    • Mice,
    • Rats,
    • Snakes

      Trap type:

    • Glue
  • eu jt eaton adhesive plate stick em city rat and snake 2 p - 1, small

    Stick-Em City Rat and Snake Glue Trap, 2 pieces



    • JT Eaton

      Get rid of:

    • Mice,
    • Rats,
    • Snakes

      Trap type:

    • Glue

These are cardboard or plastic boards covered with an adhesive that captures reptiles that pass over their surface. The traps are located in the areas where the presence of snakes was observed. When they reach the area of attraction of the trap, they will stick to the adhesive in its component. Subsequently, the traps are removed together with the snake caught in the adhesive.

Adhesive traps work best together with special reptile poisoning stations. This is why it is advisable to place them inside as these have the role of protecting them from external environmental conditions (dust, humidity). At the same time, their role is to avoid catching pets in the adhesive. They can be placed both inside and outside, near the walls of buildings, or on the path of snakes to have higher efficiency.

Recommended poisoning stations:

Poisoning stations protect their traps from external factors for a longer time. They do not replace snake traps and do not block them inside. They can be made of various materials and the size and design can vary.


The repellents are used strictly for the exterior for the sole purpose of forming a barrier around the treated area. 

The granules can be applied by spreading on the area to be protected or as a marginal treatment, around the respective area, in the form of strips of different widths. 

Use each repellent in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 

Recommended repellents:

They are produced in granular form that contains essences or substances with an unpleasant odour for reptiles, which makes them move away from the treated area.

A number of measures can be taken against snakes to prevent them from appearing in a certain area. These measures consist of cutting the bushes, periodically mowing the lawn, removing piles of wood and compost, sealing cracks/cracks in the building, and removing food sources. If snakes are found in a certain area, it is recommended to use adhesive traps and olfactory repellents to remove them. 

* If it is confirmed that the snake species found is venomous, it is strongly advisable to consult a specialist for the safe removal of the snake. 

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