Scorpions are common household pests, especially in the southern part of the United States, being mostly spread in the desert regions. They tend to dwell in dark spaces during the day and come out at night, in search of food and water. Worldwide there are approximately 2000 different species of these poisonous predators, with around 90 species of scorpions found in the United States. They have easily adapted to a wide range of habitats, from savannahs to rain forests and even caves, however, they are mostly found in arid regions. As they hide under rocks or logs or even burrows during the day, scorpions will emerge at night time to hunt for insects or other small invertebrates that they can eat.
You will need to consider taking action against an infestation the moment you will find scorpions hiding in the attic, or inside the walls of your home. Due to the expansion of human habitats, scorpions are being displaced out of their normal locations, and this is why they can often be found roaming around houses, especially in arid locations. Especially when dealing with a newly erected construction site, you might be the ones to disturb the scorpions out of their nest, so it will be only natural for them to try and find a new home in the same area.
How to find and deter scorpions from your property
Being nocturnal creatures, the best time to investigate is then, when they come out of their nests in search for food. One of the most useful tools that can aid you in finding them is an ultraviolet light. Scorpions glow in the dark, and thus, you will have no problem in identifying them. Some of the most common places where you can find them are attics, basements, garages, baseboards, when searching inside your house. Outdoors, you can search for them on walls and fences (especially at the base of these structures), under rocks, bricks, bushes and other foliage, in flower vases and pots, under mulch piles, in boxes, as well as basically any outdoor crack or crevice that is close enough to your home to be considered threatening.
The most important thing when starting to search for scorpions and eliminating them from your property, is a proper investigation of the area. By removing food sources and sealing out the house, you will be able to deter any other scorpions that might want to find their way to a shelter in your house.
As they are very fond of moisture in their dwelling area, and are sensitive to moisture loss, you can avoid having them be attracted to your house, by eliminating excess moisture. As they usually enter homes in search for food and water, keep floors, corners, closets and crawl spaces dry and free of leaks. Also refrain from allowing water to stand in puddles or containers near the exterior of your home.
Also, in order to keep them away from your house, be sure to keep any other pests in check, such as roaches, ants or bugs that might attract the scorpions as a food source. Keep a constant level of sanitation in and around your house.
- Clean up crumbs and wash dishes constantly;
- Sprinkle borax or diatomaceous earth in areas where insects would normally gather, such as baseboards or under sinks;
- Use aerosol insecticides, if necessary.
- Store cardboard boxes on shelves, not on the floor;
- Unclutter your house and yard;
- Keep closets and bedrooms organised as scorpions like to hide inside shoes and piles of clothes;
- Trim bushes and vines in your garden;
- Mow your lawn regularly;
- Get rid of piles of wood or rock from your yard, as they are good hiding spots;
- Seal any cracks in the walls and caulk any holes in the baseboard and foundation of your home;
- Make sure your windows and doors close tightly;
- Check vent holes
- Use screens over your windows and door seals, if necessary.
One of the easiest way to deal with the problem is by hunting them. First and foremost, ensure that you apply all the deterring methods at night, seeing as this is the period when the scorpions will actually be active, which will make the task of finding them a lot easier. Use an ultraviolet light to locate and identify them and a tool of your choice (such as a knife, a pair of long-handled tweezers or a pair of heavy boots) to kill them. Following this, pick them up, put them in a trash bag, tie it up, and dispose of it outside, along with your regular trash. A cockroach aerosol insecticide is another effective tool that you can use; spray this directly onto each scorpion that you see.
When hunting for scorpions, search for them around your property, on exterior walls, at their bases and near fences, under bushes and foliage, under rocks, and other cracks and crevices close to your home. You won’t have luck finding them in grass, as they do not reside there, but you can find them in attics and other dark areas. When finding a scorpion, you can either catch it with the knife or tweezers, or spray it with insecticide, as this will also quickly affect it.
Traps and repellents against scorpions
You can use eco-friendly solutions to fight a scorpion infestation. Such would be the use of boric acid, which can be used in its powdered form, and applied in cracks and crevices, or other hard to reach areas. It will adhere to the body of the scorpion and affect it, as it works as a powerful insecticide.
Glue traps can also be used, as the scorpions will get stuck and finally die. Place them in corners or inside closets, as scorpions hiding from the sun will get caught in them.
Other repellents are lavender and cedar oil. These natural solutions can be used either by planting the flower around the house foundation, in order to keep the pests outside, or by mixing cedar oil and water and spraying the solution on cracks, window holes and doors. You can also sprinkle cedar granules in areas you wish to keep off limits to scorpions and other unwanted pests. Lay down a 6-10 in swath of cedar granules around the perimeter of the yard, along the fence line, around the foundation, or near entry areas of your home. The long lasting aroma will repel scorpions, rats and snakes from your sacred area, yet has no effect on beneficial insects such as butterflies and pollinating bees.
Ground cinnamon is also a natural scorpion repellant. Sprinkle it in dark areas, windowsills and around your baseboards to keep scorpions away.
Diatomaceus earth can also be used as a natural solution against scorpions. With its abrasive sharp spines, it will act as an effective desiccant for the insect. As they walk over it, scorpions get their exoskeleton cut and they end up dying from dehydration.
Damp burlap bags work well for luring scorpions out of their hiding places. Simply dampen the bag and place it in the middle of the floor before going to bed at night. Scorpions are lured to at because of the moistness and because it seems to them a good place to hide. In the morning, squish them at your leisure.
Spraying concentrated insecticides for Scorpions control:
Concentrated insecticides are the most common used products in fighting insect infestations. They provide the safety that any insect coming into contact with the treated surfaces dies shortly.
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In terms of chemical solutions designed specifically for scorpions, both insecticides and repellants are available. Residual insecticides should be sprayed on the exterior of your house, onto an area that is at least 1.8 meters wide and 0.30 meters high. Also apply these around windows, doors, and baseboards inside the house, not forgetting attics, basements, garages, and closets, all the darkened corners and undersides of furniture and appliances. If you stumble across any debris or clutter that you believe may harbour a scorpion, don’t hesitate to apply insecticide on it, too. Synthetic pesticide dust and wettable powder can also be used; spread them around the aforementioned places, ensuring to fill in any and all crevices that you find. Spread pesticide dust and wettable powder around electrical outlets and plumbing fixtures as well. Fill in cracks with pesticide dust. Furthermore, you can use boric acid and diatomaceous earth, which, once the scorpion comes in contact with it, will act very quickly, causing dehydration and death.
Sprayers used for Scorpions control:
The equipment needed for a professional Pest Control Operator depends on the type of pest the treatment is made against, and if the treated surface is indoors or outdoors. Sprayers help in applying products meant to reach difficult places, as well as guaranteeing an economic control of the treatment application.
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Garden Star
Regular Price: €99.34
€84.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Profi Star 5L
Regular Price: €205.33
€184.81- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €204.63
€173.94- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Spray-Matic 20 S
€1,124.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Spray-Matic 5P
Regular Price: €228.78
€205.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€28.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
425 Classic
€183.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
425 Comfort
Regular Price: €215.89
€86.36- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
453 Trolley
€80.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
€188.88- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
€2.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Tech 10 with Manometer
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Tech 12
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Micronizer HOOD M3000
€125.2- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M10V
€99.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer M2000
Regular Price: €117.7
€94.16- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
3615G Inox
€405.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3552 RS125
Regular Price: €169.61
€144.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 10 days
3232R Flori
€46.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3237P Primer
€62.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3270P Profi Plus
€150.8- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3541G Stabilus
€369.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 18 litres
Tank Capacity:
435 Classic
Regular Price: €189.9
€94.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
475 Comfort
Regular Price: €222.38
€88.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
Hobby Star 5
Regular Price: €68.76
€65.32- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Super Star 1.25-360
€32.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foxy Plus
€10.23- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
DR 5
Regular Price: €213.09
€202.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3270FO Foamer
€156.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132FO Foamer
€27.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5E
Regular Price: €334.94
€251.21- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5P
Regular Price: €334.94
€251.21- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132PG Universal Plus
Regular Price: €19.52
€15.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132Gr Bugsi 360
€18.6- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Vario Gun
€64.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
424 Nova
Regular Price: €118.54
€71.13- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 16 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3595F Inox Plus
€353.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Spray-Matic 5 S
€618- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Maxi 1.0
€90.12- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M5V35
€114.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Bobby 0.5
€38.68- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
N152-CC-18 EXT/BAN
€439.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
€399.84- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
€27.13- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €365.69
€329.12- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €343.58
€292.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €549.68
€439.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 7.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €388.68
€349.81- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €573.1
€458.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €434.37
€347.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
301 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €19.52
€17.56- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €89.9
€58.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €89.9
€58.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Accu Star 8
Regular Price: €180.62
€162.55- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
Astro 5
€111.23- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€10.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Volpitech 7 Proton
Regular Price: €118.88
€101.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201
Regular Price: €18.64
€13.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201 C
Regular Price: €23.93
€16.76- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 C
Regular Price: €25.03
€17.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 CL
Regular Price: €27.2
€17.68- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 260
Regular Price: €40.59
€26.38- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 211
Regular Price: €35.87
€23.31- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 256
Regular Price: €69.02
€44.86- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 257
Regular Price: €75.49
€52.85- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 30 days
Manual Sprayer Solo 258
€79.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.38
€17.77- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.16
€17.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 212
Regular Price: €39.48
€25.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer VolpiTech 621
Regular Price: €47.48
€37.98- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Birchmeier Profi Star 3
€289.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 333 FA Vario Foam
Regular Price: €68.9
€44.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Tech 3
€14.66- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Super McProper Plus
€17.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
Handheld Sprayer B&G AccuSpray Elite 4W Crack & Crevice
€204.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dustinator 500
€6.46- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Ghilotina
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Rose Star 1.25 Manual Sprayer
€38.62- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Grill Star 0.5 Manual Sprayer
€11.51- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Naturlution Manual Sprayer
€7.65- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Garden Star 3 Manual Sprayer
€86.39- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 3 litres
Tank Capacity:
Keep in mind that when applying solutions and aerosol insecticides on the outside of the house, you will have to repeat this action, especially after a heavy rainfall, as the product will most likely be washed away. On the inside of a house, you can spray chemical insecticides around utility installations; behind and beneath stoves, sinks, cabinets and refrigerators, in dark corners of closets and alongside door and window frames.
Foggers for Scorpions control:
Cold foggers use cold spraying methods, which in most cases is using a high air pressure to spray out the fogging liquid into tiny particles. they are also known as ULV fogger, and as opposed to thermal foggers, they do not use heat to vaporize the fogging liquid.
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Garden Star
Regular Price: €99.34
€84.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Profi Star 5L
Regular Price: €205.33
€184.81- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €204.63
€173.94- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Spray-Matic 20 S
€1,124.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Spray-Matic 5P
Regular Price: €228.78
€205.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€28.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
425 Classic
€183.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
425 Comfort
Regular Price: €215.89
€86.36- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
453 Trolley
€80.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
€188.88- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
€2.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Tech 10 with Manometer
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Tech 12
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Micronizer HOOD M3000
€125.2- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M10V
€99.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer M2000
Regular Price: €117.7
€94.16- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
3615G Inox
€405.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3552 RS125
Regular Price: €169.61
€144.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 10 days
3232R Flori
€46.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3237P Primer
€62.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3270P Profi Plus
€150.8- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3541G Stabilus
€369.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 18 litres
Tank Capacity:
435 Classic
Regular Price: €189.9
€94.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
475 Comfort
Regular Price: €222.38
€88.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
Hobby Star 5
Regular Price: €68.76
€65.32- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Super Star 1.25-360
€32.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foxy Plus
€10.23- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
DR 5
Regular Price: €213.09
€202.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3270FO Foamer
€156.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132FO Foamer
€27.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5E
Regular Price: €334.94
€251.21- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5P
Regular Price: €334.94
€251.21- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132PG Universal Plus
Regular Price: €19.52
€15.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132Gr Bugsi 360
€18.6- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Vario Gun
€64.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
424 Nova
Regular Price: €118.54
€71.13- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 16 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3595F Inox Plus
€353.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Spray-Matic 5 S
€618- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Maxi 1.0
€90.12- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M5V35
€114.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Bobby 0.5
€38.68- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
N152-CC-18 EXT/BAN
€439.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
€399.84- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
€27.13- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €365.69
€329.12- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €343.58
€292.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €549.68
€439.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 7.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €388.68
€349.81- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €573.1
€458.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €434.37
€347.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
301 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €19.52
€17.56- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €89.9
€58.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €89.9
€58.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Accu Star 8
Regular Price: €180.62
€162.55- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
Astro 5
€111.23- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€10.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Volpitech 7 Proton
Regular Price: €118.88
€101.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201
Regular Price: €18.64
€13.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201 C
Regular Price: €23.93
€16.76- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 C
Regular Price: €25.03
€17.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 CL
Regular Price: €27.2
€17.68- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 260
Regular Price: €40.59
€26.38- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 211
Regular Price: €35.87
€23.31- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 256
Regular Price: €69.02
€44.86- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 257
Regular Price: €75.49
€52.85- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 30 days
Manual Sprayer Solo 258
€79.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.38
€17.77- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.16
€17.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 212
Regular Price: €39.48
€25.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer VolpiTech 621
Regular Price: €47.48
€37.98- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Birchmeier Profi Star 3
€289.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 333 FA Vario Foam
Regular Price: €68.9
€44.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Tech 3
€14.66- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Super McProper Plus
€17.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
Handheld Sprayer B&G AccuSpray Elite 4W Crack & Crevice
€204.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dustinator 500
€6.46- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Ghilotina
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Rose Star 1.25 Manual Sprayer
€38.62- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Grill Star 0.5 Manual Sprayer
€11.51- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Naturlution Manual Sprayer
€7.65- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Garden Star 3 Manual Sprayer
€86.39- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 3 litres
Tank Capacity:
Always be careful when using chemical insecticides, as they can also affect the other pets or animals you keep around the house or yard.
As an alternative for all these measures, you can also introduce a predator of the scorpion around the house. These can be either a cat or a chicken. Cats will often attack and kill scorpions, so keeping a cat as a pet can help you, if you are dealing with a small infestation. However, keeping chickens, if you have the space, can also be a way of getting rid of these critters. They will scour the yard eating bugs that would otherwise be left for the scorpions. If there are no bugs, there’s no reason for the scorpion to be there. Chickens will also usually eat scorpions if they run across them, so you might consider getting a chicken coop in order to keep down the population of scorpions around your house.
Even though the vast majority of scorpion bites aren’t fatal, to humans, make no mistake, a scorpion bites hurt. Of course the scorpion sting is most dangerous to children, the elderly and anyone allergic to the venom, so be careful when handling the critter, especially if you have decided to hunt it down and catch it with a sharp tool such as a knife or with tweezers.
Keep in mind that all this nuisance can be avoided if you apply preventive measures that will keep the scorpions away from your yard and house. These methods are detailed in our article “Prevent infestation with scorpions” and must be applied at all times, not just once, as scorpions will not hesitate to wander a distance, if they are attracted to food or they feel they have found a perfect place for shelter. And when dealing with with their eradication from your property, make sure you always follow all the necessary steps: identification, food elimination, shelter elimination, exclusion, and chemical control.
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