Being classified as a skin disease, mange is caused by a parasitic mite. It normally appears in non-human mammals, such as domestic cats and dogs, livestock, but also in wild animals. Parasitic mites that cause mange in mammals embed themselves either in the skin or the hair follicles in the animal, depending upon their genus. When it comes to such mite infestations in humans, which would otherwise be known as “mange” in furry mammals, are instead known as scabies and demodicosis.
Sarcoptes scabiei is the mite that causes these diseases, and which has multiple subspecies:
- Sarcoptes scabiei var. bovis
- s. var. canis
- s. var. caprae
- s. var. equi
- s. var. hominis
- s. var. ovis
- s. var. suis
The Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis causes the scabies in humans, and the Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis causes the mange in dogs. Both these subspecies of mites dig into and through the skin, causing intense itching from an allergic reaction to the mite, while crusting can quickly become infected. Due to intense scratching, damage to the skin can appear both in dogs and humans alike. Scabies is most often spread during a relatively long period of direct skin contact with an infected person, and crowded living conditions such as those found in child care facilities, group homes, and prisons increase the risk of spread. It can also be caused due to contact with an infested object such as a towel, bedding, or upholstered furniture.
Luckily, mange is not contagious to humans.
Signs of infestation with mange and scabies
Infection with scabies is characterised by intense itching and superficial burrows caused by the mites. The tracks left by the mites are often linear, but due to the fact that the human host develops the allergic reaction only after four to six weeks, there is a delay between when the infestation takes place and when the itching reaction is seen. Scratching the itchy rash can cause sores, and even if the eradication of the mites is successful, symptoms are often seen one to several weeks after this. The severe itch can lead to constant scratching, which can lead to the development of an infection.
The rash usually occur in the area of the finger webs, feet, ventral wrists, elbows, back, buttocks, and external genitals. The itchiness caused by the rash is worst at night and is increased by warmth. If you are infested for the first time, the symptoms typically appear in 2-6 weeks and if you have been infested before, signs of infestation can appear quicker, even up to several days after the infestation.
Crusted scabies is a type of disease which mostly affects humans with a lower immune system, such as those suffering from HIV or cancer. These mites become more numerous and spread over the host’s body, causing the appearance of scaly rashes, slight itching, and thick crusts of skin. Persons infected with this type of scabies are more contagious, due to the fact that the number of mites is larger.
In dogs, the infestation occurs the same, due to burrowing mites that dig into and through the skin, causing itchiness due to an allergic reaction. As dogs do not resist scratching and biting the affected areas, damage to the skin can easily occur. The elbows and ears are the first ones affected, and hair loss can also occur due to this skin condition. The sarcoptic mange diagnosis is often based on symptoms rather than actual confirmation of the presence of mites.
Getting rid of scabies
In order to get rid of scabies, you will need to contact a dermatologist that can properly diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. Medicine that treats scabies is only available with a doctor’s prescription, so it is imperative that you visit a doctor at the first sign of infestation.
Treatments need to be applied not only to the infested person, but also to those that came in contact with the host. Even if you do not show yet signs of infestation, but have been contact with an infected person, treatment is necessary, as it is the only way to prevent any outbreak that can occur weeks later.
Most medicines are in the treatment against scabies mites are applied directly on the skin, usually from neck to toe, and the best time to apply them is at bedtime, and wash them off when you wake up, this way, they calm the night time itchiness, and also have plenty of time to take effect. Before applying any of the treatments, take a shower, to make sure your skin is clean, and dry it down with a fresh, clean towel. The length of time you’ll need to leave the medication on your skin will depend on the product and your doctor’s instructions, but most of them need to stay applied for at least 8 hours.
The most common medicines that can be prescribed against scabies are:
- 5% permethrin cream, which is safe for children as young as 1 month old and women who are pregnant;
- 25% benzyl benzoate lotion;
- 10% sulfur ointment;
- 10% crotamiton cream;
- 1% lindane lotion.
Depending on the level of infestation and if an infection has developed or not, other medicine, mainly antihistamines, can be prescribed, in order to control the itch and help you sleep, wipe out the infection, or ease the swelling and redness caused by the rash. Soaking in cold water can sometimes also help in calming the itchiness caused by the rash.
Make sure you follow all the instructions given by the dermatologist, as treating the skin more often than necessary can also cause worst rashes and itching.
There is a possibility that during the first few days of the treatment the rash and itchiness seem to worsen, but that is due to the effect the medicine has on the mites. If in 4 weeks the skin is not healed and the signs of infection have not disappeared, you should consult your doctor again.
When it comes to natural treatments against scabies, essential oils such as neem, clove, tea tree, rosemary or anise seed oils can also help. It is said that they display insecticidal activity and help in killing mites and alleviating the itchiness as well. Neem oil stops mites from growing and breeding, clove oil causes scabies blisters to dry up, rosemary oil helps with decreasing the pain and prevents the development of infections, and tea tree oil helps in healing the affected skin.
As mites can survive a few days without human skin, make sure to wash clothes, sheets, comforters, blankets, towels, and other items, so that you avoid getting scabies again. Wash everything in the washing machine, using the hottest cycle possible, thy the clothes in the dryer, using the hottest setting, or for items that cannot be washed, seal them in a plastic bag for at least a week. The same approach will work for stuffed animals, brushes, combs, shoes, coats, gloves, hats, robes, wetsuits. Everything that came in contact with the infested person must be cleaned daily, and the things that did not come in contact, must be kept at a safe distance until the infestation passes. Make sure to also vacuum any carpets, floors and upholstered furniture, so that you remove any mites from there as well.
You will also need to use disinfectant to clean the floor and bathroom surfaces, as this will remove any mites that may have remained hidden.
Getting rid of sarcoptic mange
Mange in dogs can get easily transferred from one host to another, and is caused by mites burrowing into the skin, as well as the scabies that is found in humans. Demodectic mange mites are usually transferred from mother to pup and it normally does not affect the canine throughout its life. The localized type of mite occurs in 2-3 confined areas and remains isolated. The generalized demodectic mange mites, however, affect larger areas of skin or a dog’s entire body. This form of mange could also be a sign of a compromised immune system, hereditary problem, endocrine problem or other health issues the dog might have.
The symptoms of this disease can range from hair loss, bald spots, scabbing and sores in demodectic mange, while sarcoptic mange can also cause intense itching, and can result in reddened skin, body sores and scabs, which the dogs try to fight through intense scratching. The most commonly affected areas are a dog’s ears, elbows, face and legs, but it can rapidly spread to the entire body.
In dogs, symptoms of sarcoptic mange usually develop about one week following exposure. The dog may become restless and start scratching frantically, before scaly, bald patches start appearing on its face, elbows, ears and legs. If not treated immediately, the mange can spread all over the dog’s body and become resistant to treatment.
Whenever you see any of these signs of infestation in your dog, you need to take it to a veterinarian, in order to receive the appropriate treatment. Puppies and dogs less than 18 months old are prone to developing localised demodectic mange, which often clear up on its own, while older dogs are prone to develop the generalized demodectic mange. Depending on the type of mange your dog suffers from, the treatment can be given orally, by injection, applied on the skin, or via shampoo wash. He can also be given anti-parasitic medications, as well as medication to ease itching, inflammation and secondary skin infections. All the medication should be applied as instructed by the veterinarian, as if it is repeated frequently, some treatment may become toxic. No matter what type of treatment the veterinarian prescribes, you will need to isolate your dog from others, so that the infestation does not spread. Make sure that the dog is kept in a warm and safe place and provide him bedding, toys, water and food while he is in isolation. Protect yourself by wearing gloves when you administer treatments to your dog, but make sure to interact with him and take him out for walks, so that it does not become frightened by isolation.
Make sure you also wash or replace the bedding and other types of items that have come in contact with the infected dog. Make sure you also wash its collar, to be sure that mites are not hiding there and infest your dog again later. Use soap, bleach and hot water when washing these items, and try to clean the dogs bedding daily
Spraying concentrated insecticides for Sarcoptic Mange, Scabies control:
Concentrated insecticides are the most common used products in fighting insect infestations. They provide the safety that any insect coming into contact with the treated surfaces dies shortly.
Aside from the appropriate medication prescribed by the veterinarian, there are a couple of home remedies that can help puppies and dogs with the uncomfortable soreness and swelling left behind by mites bites. Here are some that you can use:
- yogurt: apply two tablespoons of pure yogurt on the affected skin, especially the ears;
- honey: apply this directly on the affected skin, but remember to wipe it off at night, lest the dog should be bitten by other insects, such as ants or mosquitoes;
- cooking oil: apply a couple of drops directly on the affected skin, which will help with itching and irritation by alleviating the waxy deposits and killing the mites;
- apple cider vinegar: put a tablespoon of unpasteurised apple vinegar cider in the dog’s meal;
- soapy water: use a mixture of mild soap and warm water to wash your dog; the alkaline nature of the soap prevents the spread of mites by killing them;
- lemon: slice a lemon, boil it in water, and allow it to soak overnight; then apply the solution on the affected skin with a gentle sponge;
- lemon-garlic rinse: use 30 — 40 chopped cloves of garlic, 6 or more lemon skins, and 1 whole chopped lemon; add around 4L of water and boil the mixture; once it has cooled, apply it to the affected skin; use this daily for at least 10 days;
- aloe vera tea: this will kill the parasites and heal the wound, as well as offer relief;
- you can also use yellow dock tea and calendula tea for the same effect;
- neem oil;
- hydrogen peroxide and borax: mix 1% hydrogen peroxide solution with borax powder and water, ensuring that it is thoroughly dissolved before applying it directly to the affected skin; wash your dog once a week for at least 2 weeks in the mixture, remembering not to wipe it dry; please note that borax can make your dog sick if he ingests it, so be sure to use a collar to prevent him from licking it.
As mange can cause a lot of stress due to the intense scratching and your dog can have a bad time during the treatment, which can last 2-3 weeks, make sure you provide it with treats and help it remain calm during bath time and after them, while he remains in isolation. Also treat your other animals that came in contact with your dog, and take all of them to regular check-ups, to make sure the mange does not return.
Sprayers used for Sarcoptic Mange, Scabies control:
The equipment needed for a professional Pest Control Operator depends on the type of pest the treatment is made against, and if the treated surface is indoors or outdoors. Sprayers help in applying products meant to reach difficult places, as well as guaranteeing an economic control of the treatment application.
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Garden Star
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€184.81- Sprayers Hand
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- 11 litres
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€188.88- Sprayers Hand
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€2.48- Sprayers Hand
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- 1 litre
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Tech 10 with Manometer
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
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- 10 litres
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€94.16- Sprayers Hand
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435 Classic
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- 15 litres
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Hobby Star 5
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- 5 litres
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€399.84- Sprayers Hand
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- 2 litres
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€27.13- Sprayers Hand
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- 1.5 litres
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Regular Price: €365.69
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301 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €19.52
€17.56- Sprayers Hand
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Regular Price: €89.9
€58.44- Sprayers Hand
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Accu Star 8
Regular Price: €180.62
€162.55- Sprayers Hand
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- 8 litres
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Astro 5
€111.23- Sprayers Hand
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- 5 litres
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€10.61- Sprayers Hand
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Volpitech 7 Proton
Regular Price: €118.88
€101.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
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Manual Sprayer Solo 201
Regular Price: €18.64
€13.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
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- 1.25 litres
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Manual Sprayer Solo 201 C
Regular Price: €23.93
€16.76- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
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Manual Sprayer Solo 202 C
Regular Price: €25.03
€17.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
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Manual Sprayer Solo 202 CL
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€17.68- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
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Manual Sprayer Solo 260
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€26.38- Sprayers Hand
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Manual Sprayer Solo 211
Regular Price: €35.87
€23.31- Sprayers Hand
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Manual Sprayer Solo 256
Regular Price: €69.02
€44.86- Sprayers Hand
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Regular Price: €75.49
€52.85- Sprayers Hand
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- 7 litres
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Manual Sprayer Solo 258
€79.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
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Manual Sprayer Solo 303 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
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Manual Sprayer Solo 303 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
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- Solo
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Manual Sprayer Solo 304 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.38
€17.77- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
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Manual Sprayer Solo 304 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.16
€17.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
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Manual Sprayer Solo 212
Regular Price: €39.48
€25.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
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Manual Sprayer VolpiTech 621
Regular Price: €47.48
€37.98- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 6 litres
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Manual Sprayer Birchmeier Profi Star 3
€289.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5.5 litres
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Manual Sprayer Solo 333 FA Vario Foam
Regular Price: €68.9
€44.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
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- 4 litres
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Tech 3
€14.66- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 2 litres
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Birchmeier Super McProper Plus
€17.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
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Handheld Sprayer B&G AccuSpray Elite 4W Crack & Crevice
€204.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dustinator 500
€6.46- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Ghilotina
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Rose Star 1.25 Manual Sprayer
€38.62- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Grill Star 0.5 Manual Sprayer
€11.51- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Naturlution Manual Sprayer
€7.65- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Garden Star 3 Manual Sprayer
€86.39- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 3 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foggers for Sarcoptic Mange, Scabies control:
Cold foggers use cold spraying methods, which in most cases is using a high air pressure to spray out the fogging liquid into tiny particles. they are also known as ULV fogger, and as opposed to thermal foggers, they do not use heat to vaporize the fogging liquid.
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Garden Star
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€84.44- Sprayers Hand
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- 5 litres
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Profi Star 5L
Regular Price: €205.33
€184.81- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €204.63
€173.94- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
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Spray-Matic 20 S
€1,124.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
Spray-Matic 5P
Regular Price: €228.78
€205.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€28.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
425 Classic
€183.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
425 Comfort
Regular Price: €215.89
€86.36- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
453 Trolley
€80.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
€188.88- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
€2.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Tech 10 with Manometer
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Tech 12
Regular Price: €71.28
€57.02- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Free Shipping
Micronizer HOOD M3000
€125.2- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M10V
€99.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer M2000
Regular Price: €117.7
€94.16- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
3615G Inox
€405.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3552 RS125
Regular Price: €169.61
€144.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 12 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 10 days
3232R Flori
€46.53- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3237P Primer
€62.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3270P Profi Plus
€150.8- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
3541G Stabilus
€369.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 18 litres
Tank Capacity:
435 Classic
Regular Price: €189.9
€94.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 20 litres
Tank Capacity:
475 Comfort
Regular Price: €222.38
€88.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 15 litres
Tank Capacity:
Hobby Star 5
Regular Price: €68.76
€65.32- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Super Star 1.25-360
€32.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foxy Plus
€10.23- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
DR 5
Regular Price: €213.09
€202.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3270FO Foamer
€156.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132FO Foamer
€27.91- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5E
Regular Price: €334.94
€251.21- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Foam Matic 5P
Regular Price: €334.94
€251.21- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132PG Universal Plus
Regular Price: €19.52
€15.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
3132Gr Bugsi 360
€18.6- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Vario Gun
€64.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
424 Nova
Regular Price: €118.54
€71.13- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 16 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
3595F Inox Plus
€353.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Spray-Matic 5 S
€618- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Maxi 1.0
€90.12- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Micronizer Jolly M5V35
€114.49- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Bobby 0.5
€38.68- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
N152-CC-18 EXT/BAN
€439.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
€399.84- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
€27.13- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 1.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €365.69
€329.12- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €343.58
€292.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €549.68
€439.75- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 7.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €388.68
€349.81- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €573.1
€458.48- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
Regular Price: €434.37
€347.5- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Mesto
- 10 litres
Tank Capacity:
301 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €19.52
€17.56- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €89.9
€58.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
307 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €89.9
€58.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Accu Star 8
Regular Price: €180.62
€162.55- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 8 litres
Tank Capacity:
Astro 5
€111.23- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
€10.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Volpitech 7 Proton
Regular Price: €118.88
€101.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201
Regular Price: €18.64
€13.04- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 201 C
Regular Price: €23.93
€16.76- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 C
Regular Price: €25.03
€17.52- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 202 CL
Regular Price: €27.2
€17.68- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 260
Regular Price: €40.59
€26.38- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1 litre
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 211
Regular Price: €35.87
€23.31- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 256
Regular Price: €69.02
€44.86- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 257
Regular Price: €75.49
€52.85- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 30 days
Manual Sprayer Solo 258
€79.9- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 11 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 303 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €24.53
€17.17- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 A Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.38
€17.77- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 304 B Cleaner
Regular Price: €25.16
€17.61- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 212
Regular Price: €39.48
€25.67- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 7 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer VolpiTech 621
Regular Price: €47.48
€37.98- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 6 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Birchmeier Profi Star 3
€289.05- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 5.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Manual Sprayer Solo 333 FA Vario Foam
Regular Price: €68.9
€44.79- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Solo
- 4 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 14 days
Tech 3
€14.66- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Volpi
- 2 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Super McProper Plus
€17.95- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dispatch in 21 days
Handheld Sprayer B&G AccuSpray Elite 4W Crack & Crevice
€204.44- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- BG Equipment
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Dustinator 500
€6.46- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Ghilotina
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Rose Star 1.25 Manual Sprayer
€38.62- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 1.25 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Grill Star 0.5 Manual Sprayer
€11.51- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Naturlution Manual Sprayer
€7.65- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 0.5 litres
Tank Capacity:
Birchmeier Garden Star 3 Manual Sprayer
€86.39- Sprayers Hand
Type of Apparatus:
- Birchmeier
- 3 litres
Tank Capacity:
As both scabies and mange are quite difficult diseases and the patient has to be under treatment for at least two weeks, preventive measures are quite important in humans and dogs as well. If one of the family members has scabies, be sure to treat all of them, as to prevent the development of the disease in others as well, make sure to thoroughly clean clothes and beddings, as well as vacuum your carpets and furniture, and keep a high level of sanitation in your house. Avoid contact with anyone infested, or with items they may have touched and be ready to recognise the signs of infestation early one, so that you can get treatment as soon as the infection is visible. The same prevention measures are valid for dogs as well, as they should be kept away from infected ones or for places where infected dogs may have been. Clean their beddings and make sure to take them to a veterinarian for check-ups often. For more details, for both scabies and mange, you can check our related article about ways in which to ‘Prevent infestation with Sarcoptic Mange, Scabies’.
I think I have scabie mites from my dogs my hair is falling out and I have had scores on my head that now I have bold spots I think I’m infested me and my three pit bull dogs please help me
In order to get rid of scabies, you will need to contact a dermatologist that can properly diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. Medicine that treats scabies is only available with a doctor’s prescription, so it is imperative that you visit a doctor at the first sign of infestation. You will also need to take your dog to a veterinarian, in order to receive the appropriate treatment.
Ivermectin, pill form, was designed to kill the mites and eggs from the inside out. Prescription only. Don’t need a dermatologist, your PCP or even a walk in clinic can diagnose and write the prescription for you.