Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are medium-sized mammals, native to the forests of North America. They can be easily recognised by the grey colour of the fur and the black and white details around the eyes and tail. They are not found naturally in some European countries, but on the American continent, they are very numerous. Raccoons often enter people’s settlements in search of food and shelter. Thus, when we refer to raccoons, certain measures are required to prevent their access to homes and to remove them without harming them.
Raccoons and signs of their presence
In order to be able to choose the optimal method for removing raccoons, we suggest you first identify the areas they frequent and the type of damage they cause. Among the damage that they can do to a certain property are:
– Breaking into homes, especially in the attic;
– Consumption of different crops;
– Signs of fish in the pond;
– Scattered garbage;
– Shelters they build under the porch.
Raccoons trespass a certain property when they are in search of food. Thus, if you want to avoid them it is mandatory to take a series of measures so that the respective space does not attract them in particular and their removal/expulsion is carried out efficiently.
Among the possible measures that can be applied, we mention:
– Collecting the garbage properly and storing it in sealed containers;
– Collecting the fruits, nuts, and bird food that have fallen to the ground;
– Cleaning food scraps, beverages or leftover pet food;
Therefore, after observing the habits of the raccoons and the areas where they caused damage, it is recommended to choose the appropriate method, depending on the situation. In order for their removal to have a high degree of efficiency, it is best to use multiple methods (repellents, traps).
Use of traps
When you find a raccoon that has found shelter on a certain property it is best to use traps for removing it.
Using traps is a fairly easy method and it involves:
– Correct positioning of them, using gloves;
– Using proper baits;
– Properly placing the trap while constantly monitoring it, as it is important not to allow for the raccoon to stay inside it for a long time.
To efficiently capture raccoons, place the traps in the places where the raccoons have caused the most damage or in the areas where they could live. In general, they prefer sheltered places, such as:
– House attics, warehouses and verandas
– Along the walls;
– In the area of fences;
– Tree hollows;
– Under certain constructions/structures.
They are specially designed to catch raccoons without injuring them and they are also reusable. They ensure fast, safe catches, targeting the specific size of the animals, and then releasing them safely.
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Havahart 1045, Two Entry Animal Trap
Regular Price: €160.15
€112.11 -
Dispatch in 30 days
Havahart 1079, One Entry Animal Trap
€140.1 -
Dispatch in 30 days
Havahart 1085, One Entry Animal Trap
€169.34 -
Dispatch in 30 days
Havahart 1092, One Entry Animal Trap
€162.13 -
Answer Trap for Medium Pests
€110.15 -
Answer Trap for Skunks
€99.23 -
Dispatch in 21 days
Answer Trap for Large Pests
At the same time, we recommend using baits inside the trap. Raccoons consume a wide range of foods but prefer those high in fat and sugar. Foods with high sugar content are best suited for use inside traps, as they will mainly attract only raccoons, not other types of animals. Therefore, you can use meringues, melon slices, sweet corn, vegetables covered with honey or sugar, fish (fresh, smoked or canned), etc.
In addition to choosing a suitable bait, an important aspect is its positioning in the trap, for an efficient capture.
The correct placement of the bait for raccoons ensures:
– Complete entrapment of the raccoon – both the body and the tail;
– Rapid triggering of the trap when the animal enters;
– It will be placed according to the type of trap (1 entrance or 2 entrances).
A single-entry trap:
– Prevent the raccoons from reaching it from the outside by placing the bait towards its end, just behind the trigger, as far away from its walls as possible
Two-entry traps:
– Place the bait behind the trigger or in the ground, just below the trigger/trap or can cling to the top of the trap.
In addition to that:
– Raccoons can trap the bait in an attempt to reach the bait, so it is better to place a weight or a brick on top of it.
– It is advisable to place the traps on a straight, flat surface.
– It is recommended to wear gloves to avoid transferring the odour, as any traces of human odour can discourage the mouse from falling into the trap.
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€1.8- 3M
- Gloves
Protection type:
€1.24- Delta Plus
- Gloves
Protection type:
Rwgrip Protective Gloves, Latex
€1- Ogrifox
- Gloves
Protection type:
Rwnyl Protective Gloves, Latex
€1- Ogrifox
- Gloves
Protection type:
Vasco Nitril Blue - S, 150 pieces
€9.06- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Vasco Nitril Blue - M, 150 pieces
€9.06- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Vasco Nitril Blue - L, 150 pieces
€9.06- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Dispatch in 4 days
Vasco Nitril Blue - XL, 135 pieces
€8.18- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Vasco Sensitive - L, 100 pieces
€7.33- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Vasco Sensitive - M, 100 pieces
€7.33- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Vasco Sensitive - S, 100 pieces
€7.33- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Vasco OP Protect 6.5, set of 2
€0.69- B Braun
- Gloves
Protection type:
Dispatch in 3 days
Mechanical Protective Gloves Category II
€0.76- Renania
- Gloves
Protection type:
Location of the traps:
– Carefully place it in an open position, following exactly the instructions mentioned by the manufacturer, depending on the chosen trap.
– Before using a trap, make sure you understand and follow the legal provisions governing the capture of animals (mice) using traps.
– Before placing the trap, remove potential food sources and seal the garbage containers so that raccoons are more interested in the bait.
Trap monitoring
After positioning the trap, it is important to monitor it carefully so that you can see the raccoon as soon as it is caught. Capturing a raccoon is a process that can take several minutes or several days, but once trapped, they can quickly become agitated, so they must be released as soon as possible. Never let a raccoon stay trapped for a long time.
Raccoon – Capture
After the animal has been captured, it is recommended to use protective gloves when handling the trap, and it is recommended to keep it at a greater distance from the body. Also, for keeping the animal calm, it is better to cover the trap with a blanket. The subsequent relocation of the raccoon will be done at a certain distance, according to the legal provisions in force.
Use of repellents
To keep raccoons away from the property, it is recommended to use repellent products. Thus, after identifying the areas where they have caused damage and determining the habits they have in the yard, it is recommended to use a repellent appropriate to your requirements.
In addition to the regular application of repellents, certain measures are also very important, so that the respective space does not attract them in a special way. Respectively, it is recommended to remove the food/water sources, repair the fences/gates (so that it does not have an access way), wash the trash cans, close the windows, collect the garbage, etc.
Depending on the product, the repellents may be liquid, in the form of granules or powder. Use them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
In conclusion, depending on the situation, when choosing a way to remove raccoons, it is advisable to choose the optimal methods (traps, repellents), in accordance with the legal provisions, without harming them.