How to get rid of Earwigs

earwigs dermaptera how to-get rid of

Earwigs are small insects that are part of the order Dermaptera. They are widely distributed in the Americas, Eurasia, Australia and New Zealand, with greater diversity in tropical and subtropical areas. Currently, there are about 2,000 species which are known, divided into 12 families.

Earwigs have the habit of living in large communities. Therefore, they can be considered harmful insects because of the large numbers that can cause damage to the attacked crops.

earwigs dermaptera how to-get rid of

Earwigs are mostly nocturnal insects. As a result, during the day they hide in the cracks of trees, and stumps, but also in other plant debris where they can find food since their diet is based on plant waste and animal matter. They usually feed at night, causing damage to crops. However, due to their omnivorous diet, earwigs can be considered beneficial insects in the garden because they can eat larvae of beetles, worms or aphids, thus protecting the plants attacked by them.

Earwigs consume both the leaves and the fruit of the plants, causing unpleasant damage. Such as holes with a diameter between 3-11 mm. In addition to the damage they cause to plants, they can also enter the home, creating discomfort. Most of the time, these aphids can be noticed on the exterior walls, looking for a way to come inside.

Signs of infestation

Indoors, Earwigs can be seen most often in places with high humidity, such as in bathrooms or basements. However, keep in mind they do not cause damage inside, and they are not attracted to human food nor do they reproduce inside the house.

Types of treatments

Specific spray insecticides, ready-to-use insecticides or adhesive traps can be used against earwigs.

In order for the treatments to have the desired results, it is very important to identify and treat the sources and areas with a high risk of earwigs infestation.

Treatments based on insecticide to control earwigs
It is recommended to carry out insecticide treatments applied by spraying against earwigs. Spraying insecticides is recommended for performing treatments for earwigs elimination. You can spray all areas where they could be hidden (cracks, cabinets, isolated spaces, areas where water pipes are found, etc.). The solution can be applied with any type of sprayer.


They are biocidal substances used in the treatment of earwigs infestation, most of which affect the nervous system. Concentrated contact insecticides, dissolved in water (according to the recommended doses) are recommended against earwigs. The solution can be applied by spraying, with manual or motorized equipment, depending on the size of the treated space.


Sprayers are low-pressure applicators used for precise dosing of pesticides. Their capacity varies depending on the type of appliance, its design, the application method (manual / motorized sprayers), and the size of the treated space. Pay attention to the maintenance of the sprayer as well as to its regulation.

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Adhesive traps

Adhesive traps capture earwigs that cross on the adhesive surface of the trap. The traps are located as close as possible to the areas where the presence of earwigs has been detected.

In addition to controlling earwigs’ infestations, traps can also be used to monitor them (to detect the presence and degree of infestation in a certain space, in order to carry out treatments).

After using chemical treatments you can still use traps to verify and monitor their results in the treated space. Subsequently, depending on the number of pests caught in the trap, you can consider, or not, repeat the chemical treatment.


These are plastic boxes or strips covered in a layer of glue. Adhesive traps capture pests on a certain surface and monitor their activity. In addition to the adhesive side, some traps are equipped with an attractant to lure pests, which will remain trapped in the adhesive. Their size and design differ depending on the type of pest for which they are intended. Some traps can catch several pests at the same time. The traps are removed along with the pests trapped in the adhesive.

Ready-to-use insecticide treatments

These are recommended for hard-to-reach areas where spray treatments cannot be applied, such as cracks, fissures, and narrow spaces). They can be found in the form of spray, granules, powder, and liquid. Ready-to-use insecticides are applied to dry surfaces. For areas where insecticides cannot be used in liquid or spray form, the use of insecticides in powder form is recommended. Because it acts by contact or ingestion, it is necessary for pests to touch the treated space.

Insecticides in the form of granules are used outdoors (around buildings and structures, in lawns and ornamental gardens), but also indoors (basements, bridges, narrow spaces), depending on the product. These have the role of protecting the perimeter by forming a protective barrier against earwigs, but they can also be used as a punctual treatment in specific places where insects hide.

Protective equipment

Protective equipment is intended to protect the person performing the disinfection treatments. To avoid inhalation of vapours created during spraying or direct contact with applied substances, it is recommended to wear complete protective equipment. This includes hooded overalls, gas masks with filters, chemical protection gloves, rubber boots or waterproof footwear, as appropriate.


Protective equipment has the role of protecting the person performing the treatments from dangerous substances. This category includes protective gloves, coveralls, masks, etc. The equipment is chosen depending on the type of treatment, as well as the substances used or the pest control.


Gas masks, Safety glasses

It is advisable to read carefully and follow the recommendations on the label of the product used.

After applying chemical treatments, the earwigs can return if they have a favourable environment. In order to prevent their appearance, it is recommended to keep the environment as clean as possible, eliminate the vegetation around the house, and remove the piles of leaves, stones and wood. Moreover, it is advisable to seal the access roads in the house and reduce the humidity inside.