Bats are mammals that belong to the Chiroptera order. Because their limbs developed in the form of wings, they are considered the only mammals capable of flight. Bats are divided into two suborders: Megachiroptera (megabats), which feed on fruit, nectar, pollen, and Microchiroptera (microbats), which make use of echolocation, and their diet consists of insects, frogs, or small animals. Bats are nocturnal mammals and are more active at dusk. Except for very cold areas, bats can be found all around the world.
Due to their diet, bats help reduce the number of harmful insects, pollinate and disperse fruit seeds. At the same time, besides the essential role they have in the ecosystem, the presence of bats near the house can be annoying due to the filth and the unpleasant smell produced by their manure. Also, bats can be carriers of diseases, ticks, fleas, mites, or other parasites.
It is important to note that, in most countries, bats are protected by law. Before taking action against them, it is advised to carefully read the local legislation on bats.
Signs of infestation
Bats can find shelter near homes, in the attic of houses, in roof beams, in basements, or other sheltered places. In the case of a bat infestation, their presence can be detected by the piles of manure (guano) found in the areas where they take shelter, by the strong smell of ammonia they emanate, as well as by their specific noises. Bats can enter homes through small cracks, through holes caused by missing tiles or planks, through the insertion of pipes or cables, vents, chimneys, open windows, etc.
Bats – methods of removal
If bats are present indoors, the exclusion method is recommended for their removal. Together with this method, optical repellents or ultrasound devices can be used. However, in case of a strong infestation, it is advisable to call a specialist to remove them safely.
To prevent bats from entering homes, it is recommended to seal cracks and holes. This operation can be performed with the help of special foam or sealing materials. Entranceways, such as windows, openings, chimneys can be covered with safety nets. It is also important to carry out insecticidal treatments (mosquitoes, moths, butterflies, spiders, etc.) because they are the main source of food for bats.
Bat removal by exclusion
Exclusion is a safe method of removing bats from indoor areas, while also blocking their access to the target area. This involves covering the inlets/orifices used by bats with the help of safety nets, devices with one-way valves, or tubes specially designed to prevent them from entering the premises. Through this method, bats can get out of the area, but cannot get back inside.
The exclusion method can be used at the same time as repellents, to ensure that bats leave the area, but before the final sealing of the access points.
Before installing nets and special devices, it is recommended to inspect all the holes and the possible access ways of the bats. It is advisable to do this in the evening when bats become active and start to come out of hiding in search of food. The access points can be identified by the presence of manure and brown traces around them.
When installing safety nets, it is important that they cover the entire entrance and are long enough to prevent bats from entering inside, underneath the net. The nets must be fixed to the building along the upper and lateral edges, except for the lower edge. To allow bats to fly under the net and get outside, the bottom edge must be left free.
When bats return, they will land on the safety net and will no longer have the ability to find the entrance. Protective nets and exclusion devices should be maintained for several weeks to remove the entire colony.
For the safe exclusion of bats, it is important to be aware of the moment when these measures are applied.
Exclusion of bats cannot be done throughout the year. Taking such measures is not indicated during hibernation or when the pups are too small to fly.
Bat protection nets
They are specially designed to deny bats from entering the premises without them being harmed. Safety nets can be used to prevent bats from entering. At the same time, they can be used for the exclusion process, in case of their presence inside. They are installed to cover large or small holes if they are located next to each other.
Recommended safety nets:
The net is used to block the bat’s access to the premises and is made of materials that are resistant to different atmospheric conditions. Handle with care to avoid the risk of damage.
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Bird Net, 19x19 mm - 10x10 m
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Optical repellents
They are laser devices used to remove and control bats in targeted areas. The repellents work by emitting beams of light of different colors, at certain time intervals. Because they are a nocturnal species, during the day bats prefer quiet and dark areas in which to rest. In this case, the role of optical repellents is to create an unpleasant environment for bats, disturb them, and drive them away from the targeted areas. Repellents can be used indoors or outdoors, depending on the type of product. It is recommended to use them at any time of the day. However, it is important to make sure that the space is fully illuminated by the device and there are no dark places where bats can retreat and hide.
Optical repellents for bat removal:
The optical repellent is a device powered by batteries or a power source, meant to discourage the activity of bats in a certain area. The light it emits visually disturbs the bats and removes them from the area.
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Ultrasound devices
Generally installed indoors ultrasound devices are designed to remove bats and keep them at a distance. The principle of operation consists of emitting sound waves of different frequencies. The waves are imperceptible to non-target creatures and they aim to disrupt bats and discourage their activity in a certain area.
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Bird Net, 19x19 mm - 10x10 m
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Adhesive foam
After removing the entire colony, it is recommended to seal the accessways such as holes, cracks, smaller gaps, etc. by either using sealing materials or adhesive foam. Foam is a sealing agent, used to block the access of bats and other pests inside.
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Bird Net, 19x19 mm - 10x10 m
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Given that bats are a protected species in most regions, their control mostly consists in the use of devices that discourage the activity of bats in a certain space. In case of their presence inside, measures can be applied to exclude bats. As such, specially designed devices can be used for this purpose, such as optical and ultrasonic repellents. However, in case of a strong infestation, it is advisable to consult a specialist to remove them.
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