How to get rid of House Flies using QuickBayt 2 Extra WG 10

spraying insecticides nozzles

Flies, insects of the order Diptera, are well known and very much disliked by many people, but what most don’t know is that they are more than a simple nuisance – they are also carriers of deadly diseases. As they move restlessly from place to place, landing on the most unsanitary of surfaces, flies can easily spread germs and bacteria (such as Salmonella) onto your food, leading to typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, etc. Sand flies found in South America, Africa, and Europe, are actually carriers of a microorganism that causes a disease that eats away at the human skin! Therefore, if you have a problem with a fly infestation, we recommend that you address it and take measures as soon as possible.spraying insecticides nozzles

Alternatively, you can also apply the product by ‘painting’ it. Mix 150g of QuickBayt 2 Extra WG 10 with 200 – 250ml of water and spread the resulting paste either onto the above mentioned areas or on boards made out of non-absorbent material (with a recommended size of 30cm x 30cm), before hanging them inside the targeted areas at 5 – 10m distance of one another.

Because of the pheromones included in the product, the flies will be attracted to these areas, they will land on them and, once they try to feed on them, they will ingest the active ingredient and die.

QuickBayt 2 Extra WG 10 has a chemical trace of up to 8 weeks, but it is recommended that the treated surfaces be refreshed every 2 – 3 weeks by means of spraying them with water. Keep in mind, though, that in the case of very large infestations (of above 10 flies/sqm), the trace of the product decreases exponentially, because each and every fly that lands on the treated surface takes a small part of the substance with it, either ingested or stuck to its legs; thus, the higher the infestation, the shorter the life of the treatment. The product starts to work very fast, in only a couple of minutes from application, but it will reach maximum potential in 48 – 96 hours. If there is no intervention from any outside population of flies, the efficacy of the treatment can climb up to 95% within 2 weeks from application.

As is the case with a lot of infestations, during treatment, there are a few factors that are out of control and that can end up influencing the treatment negatively. Besides the one mentioned about (i.e. the continuous influx of new fly populations closing in from outside), the most important one would be the interaction of insects with the treated places. In order for a fly to be determined to land on a surface, it has to be hungry or tired or during its breeding period; if none of these conditions apply, they may actually end up avoiding the areas and, as a result, the efficacy of the treatment will be low. For this reason, we recommend that the treatment is applied (and refreshed) in the mornings, because this is the time of the day when flies are most likely to be hungry, and after rainy periods, because this is when they will be come ‘back to life’ after a period of hiding. It is almost useless to apply the product in the afternoon or evening or when temperatures exceed 26 – 28 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, you should also pay attention to the state of the treated surfaces – if they start to become grey, that is because dust has begun to settle upon them and upon the product, causing it to stop attracting flies; in this case, you should, again, refresh the area with water.

Weather conditions are another factor that is outside of our control. During certain periods of time (e.g. when there are fast alternations of dry and rainy periods or large differences in temperature between days), the flies will change their behavior, becoming significantly more nervous and agitated; afraid to be surprised by rain or by sudden low temperatures, they will increase the speed at which they live, feeding faster and more inconsistently and flying much more in an effort to ensure that they will be able to hide if any unfavorable environmental conditions arise. Under these circumstances, the time they spend resting on surfaces is significantly reduced, and, because of this, they may not ingest a sufficient amount of poison so as to die, which leads to a knockdown effect (in which the fly falls down, but resurrects after a few hours) and to smaller treatment efficacy. In this case, we advise you to mix QuickBayt 2 Extra WG 10 (which is based on a neonicotinoide) with a pyrethroid-based insecticide (we recommend K-Othrine WG 250), which acts much faster and much more decisively, boosting the rapidity with which the active ingredient works. In doing this, decrease the quantity of QuickBayt with 20 – 30% (175 – 200g) and add 10g of K-Othrine (half a sachet), and apply the mixture as described above.

It is also recommended that, if you want to control the growth of the fly population, you should use a larvicide, but only on the surfaces where larvae develop (deposits of organic waste, industrial water accumulations – essentially all the hidden, dark and warm places where there is enough dirt to sustain life), seeing as this treatment should be kept completely separate from the adult one. We recommend Baycidal WP 25 at a dosage of 2g/sqm; all you need to do is spray or spread the powder in the above mentioned spaces.

Finally, it is a good idea to use more than one generation of active ingredients, seeing as the key of success in fly control is considered by many to be the rotation of products. Thus, we recommend that, at least twice per season, you perform a general treatment using Ficam WP 80, a carbamic insecticide with the widest range of action (which basically means that no pest whatsoever will be left alive after this treatment). Use 30g of product and 5L of water for 100 – 125sqm, and spread this on the entire surface that needs to be protected. Keep in mind, though, that, during this treatment, no contact must exist between any animals that you may have around your house or your farm and the product in question.

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