Coronaviruses were discovered in 1960. The virus causes respiratory inflammation in humans. These are encapsulated viruses containing an RNA chain. The RNA chain is what causes the “infection”. By running specific tests it is difficult to demonstrate which one of the disinfectants is efficient as these viruses mutate rapidly.
Coronavirus disinfectants
Softaman Acute is a SARS tested product but this one is efficient only against a single strain (more precisely, SARS-CoV). Some virucidal broad spectrum disinfectants can be applied, for prevention purposes only, such as (in order of decreasing efficiency by category):
– For hands disinfection: Softman Acute, Promanum Pure, Softaman ViscoRub: We deliver to Australia Доставяме до България We deliver to Croatia We deliver to Czech Wir liefern nach Deutschland Realizamos envíos a España We deliver to Europe Consegniamo a Italia Nous livrons en France Κάνουμε αποστολές στην Ελλάδα Szállítunk Magyarországra We deliver International We deliver to New Zealand Dostarczamy do Polski Nós entregamos para Portugal Livrăm in Romania We deliver to Serbia We deliver to Slovakia Dostavljamo v Slovenijo Türkiye’ye teslim ediyoruz Ми доставляємо в Україну We deliver to United Kingdom We deliver to United States
Promanum Pure, 1 litre
Treatment of:
Promanum Pure, 100 ml
Treatment of:
Promanum Pure, 5 litres
Treatment of:
Promanum Pure, 500 ml
Treatment of:
Softa-Man Acute, 1 litre
Treatment of:
Softa-Man Viscorub, 1 litre
Treatment of:
Softa-Man Viscorub, 5 litre
Treatment of:
– For skin disinfection:
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Softasept N, 1 litre
€8.58- Bactericidal,
- Fungicidal,
- Medical,
- 1 more
- Skin
Treatment of:
Softasept N, 250 ml
€3.46- Bactericidal,
- Fungicidal,
- Medical,
- 1 more
- Skin
Treatment of:
– Surface disinfection: Meliseptol Rapid, Melsept:
We deliver to Australia Доставяме до България We deliver to Croatia We deliver to Czech Wir liefern nach Deutschland Realizamos envíos a España We deliver to Europe Consegniamo a Italia Nous livrons en France Κάνουμε αποστολές στην Ελλάδα Szállítunk Magyarországra We deliver International We deliver to New Zealand Dostarczamy do Polski Nós entregamos para Portugal Livrăm in Romania We deliver to Serbia We deliver to Slovakia Dostavljamo v Slovenijo Türkiye’ye teslim ediyoruz Ми доставляємо в Україну We deliver to United Kingdom We deliver to United States
Meliseptol, 1 litre
Treatment of:
Melsept SF, 1 litre
Treatment of:
Melsept SF, 5 litres
Treatment of:
– Disinfection of surgical instruments: Stabimed Ultra, Helipur H+N: We deliver to Australia Доставяме до България We deliver to Croatia We deliver to Czech Wir liefern nach Deutschland Realizamos envíos a España We deliver to Europe Consegniamo a Italia Nous livrons en France Κάνουμε αποστολές στην Ελλάδα Szállítunk Magyarországra We deliver International We deliver to New Zealand Dostarczamy do Polski Nós entregamos para Portugal Livrăm in Romania We deliver to Serbia We deliver to Slovakia Dostavljamo v Slovenijo Türkiye’ye teslim ediyoruz Ми доставляємо в Україну We deliver to United Kingdom We deliver to United States Dispatch in 2 days
Helipur H plus N, 5 litres
Application Type:
Treatment of:
Stabimed Ultra, 4 kg
Treatment of:
Coronaviruses were discovered in 1960 and cause respiratory inflammation in humans.
There are 7 strains of coronavirus what can affect humans:
– 229E (HCoV-229E);
– OC43 (HCoV-OC43);
– NL63 (HCoV-NL63, New Haven coronavirus);
– HKU1;
– Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV);
– (COVID-2019), known by Wuhan pneumonia or Wuhan coronavirus. Discovered on 8th December, 2019, in Wuhan, China. Temporarily named COVID-2019 by the World Health Organisation. This is what caused the epidemic in Wuhan in 2019-2020.
The most common coronaviruses are found in strains such as 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1. These can cause mild to moderate affections in the upper respiratory tract, (similar to a cold) and are quite common as many people have them at some point in their lives. Normally, the body overcomes these diseases with ease when the immune system is strong and capable of fighting.
Possible symptoms:
– runny nose;
– headaches;
– cough;
– sore throat;
– fever;
– malaise;
Coronaviruses can often damage the inferior respiratory tract by causing pneumonia or bronchitis. It is more frequent among people with cardiopulmonary disease, those with a weakened immune system, infants and older people.
ARS-CoV and MERS-CoV are the most infectious from the strain series. These two can be asymptomatic or with flu-like symptoms, muscle pain, lethargy, fever and cough. Although there are no signaled cases of SARS, the only way to prevent this virus is to comply with standard hygiene standards, as there is no known vaccine against SARS and MERS.
Coronaviruses are most commonly spread from one carrier to another, via:
– infected air (cough or sneeze);
– personal contact, such as hand touching or shaking;
– by touching a contaminated surface or an object, followed by mouth touching, nose and eyes, before hand washing;
– rarely, through contaminated faeces;
Currently there are no available vaccines to protect us against coronavirus infection but you may be able to reduce the risk of infection by taking certain protection measures:
– wear protection masks;
– wash hands more often using soap and water for 20 seconds at least;
– avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth before you wash hands;
– avoid having contact with sick persons;
If you have similar cold-like symptoms, you can protect the others as follows:
– stay/rest in bed;
– avoid having contact with other people;
– cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw it into the garbage bin and wash your hands;
– clean and disinfect objects and surfaces;
COVID-2019 vs SARS
– compared to SARS, the mortality for COVID-2019 vs SARS is lower;
– World Health Organisation seems to estimate that the risk is much lower than it is with SARS;
– on March 12, 2003, WHO issued a global warning concerning SARS. Currently there isn’t such warning for COVID-2019 although the number of deaths is significantly lower;
– COVID-2019 has been evaluated by the experts as being significantly less dangerous than SARS, which erupted at the end of 2002.
Current situation – 23. 01. 2020
– by 23 of January, 581 confirmed cases of new Coronavirus have been signaled worldwide (COVID-2019);
– among these, 571 have been in China;
– Reported cases in Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Taipei, China, Macau Special Administrative Region, USA and Republic of Korea;
– all these people have travelled to Wuhan;
– out of 571 confirmed cases in China, 375 have been confirmed in Hubei Province;
– out of the total number of confirmed cases, 95 have been severe;
– 17 deaths have been confirmed so far (all of them in Hubei Province).
Current situation – 02.02.2020
– 14.557 cases were confirmed globally (of which 2.604 are new);
– in China, there are 14.411 cases known, out of which 2.110 are reported as severe, and 304 were deaths;
– outside of China, 146 confirmed cases, in 23 countries and one death.
The number of persons who recovered: 503. Of the total number of cases, 362 persons died (they had a weakened immune system or suffered from other diseases).
Current situation – 06.02.2020
– 28.276 cases were confirmed globally (of which 3.722 are new);
– in China, there are 28.060 cases known, out of which 3.859 are reported as severe, and 564 were deaths;
– outside of China, 216 confirmed cases, in 24 countries and one death.
The number of persons who recovered: 1.741. Of the total number of cases, 638 persons died (they had a weakened immune system or suffered from other diseases).
Current situation – 11.02.2020
– 43.103 cases were confirmed globally (of which 2.560 are new);
– in China, there are 42.708 cases known, out of which 7.333 are reported as severe, and 1017 were deaths;
– outside of China, 395 confirmed cases, in 24 countries and one death.
The number of persons who recovered: 4.967. Of the total number of cases, 1116 persons died (they had a weakened immune system or suffered from other diseases).
Current situation – 18.02.2020
– 73.332 cases were confirmed globally (of which 1.901 are new);
– in China, there are 72.528 cases known, out of which 1.891 new ones, 2445 deaths (97 new ones);
– outside of China, 804 confirmed cases (10 new ones), in 25 countries and three deaths.
The number of persons who recovered: 14.877. Of the total number of cases, 2012 persons died (they had a weakened immune system or suffered from other diseases).
Current situation – 23.02.2020
– 78 811 cases were confirmed globally (of which 1017 are new);
– in China, there are 77 042 cases known, out of which 650 new ones, 1.870 deaths (98 new ones);
– outside of China, 1769 confirmed cases (367 new ones), in 28 countries and 17 deaths.
The number of persons who recovered: 25 044. Of the total number of cases, 2619 persons died (they had a weakened immune system or suffered from other diseases).
Current situation – 11.03.2020
-118 322 cases were confirmed globally (of which 4623 are new);
– in China, there are 80 955 cases known, out of which 31 new ones, 3162 deaths (22 new ones);
– outside of China, 37 367 confirmed cases (4592 new ones), in 113 countries and 1130 deaths (258 new ones).
The number of persons who recovered: 68 305. Of the total number of cases, 4717 persons died (they had a weakened immune system or suffered from other diseases).
Current situation – 23.03.2020
-332 930 cases were confirmed globally (of which 40 788are new);
– in China, there are 81601 cases known, out of which 103 new ones, 3276 deaths (9 new ones);
European Union:
-there are 171 424 cases known, out of which 20 131 new ones, 8743 deaths (1318 new ones);
Southeast Asia:
-there are 1776 cases known, out of which 519 new ones, 58 deaths (13 new ones);
-there are 37 016 cases known, 465 deaths (213 new ones);
-there are 990 cases known, out of which 251 new ones, 23 deaths (3 new ones);
The number of persons who recovered: 102 972. Of the total number of cases, 17 156 persons died (they had a weakened immune system or suffered from other diseases).
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